Chapter 33: Talking And Other Activities

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And then, a knock was heard for the third time today. Seriously, do people never leave you alone when they're supposed to. It better not be those damn assholes or else shit's about to go down, I still have that dust crystal, so nothing can go wrong. Luckily, it was something else knocking this time...

Ian: "Oh, it's you. Well, come on in."

???: "I hope I'm not interrupting or disturbing any family time or so here."

I looked up and saw Pyrrha, which obviously brightened the mood up a bit, which was clearly needed after those two tried to play intruder.

Ian: "Oh no, it's fine, really."

She walked in and took a seat next to me. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Pyrrha: "I just thought I'd check up on you and congratulate you with that match. How are you feeling now?"

(Y/N): "I'm fine, they only landed one hit on me, no need to worry really about such a thing. Congrats on your win aswell."

Pyrrha: "Thank you, I'm glad to hear you're doing fine."

Dad: "Why don't you two chat a little more and I'll go walk the fairgrounds a bit with your mom and Ian. Who knows what kinda stands they have this time that I missed last time?"

Mom: "And maybe you can actually win something for me this time unlike last time they held the festival."

Dad: "Are you still on about that?"

Mom: "Of course I am, no one can possibly deny that it wasn't embarrassing."

Dad: "I'll do my best this time, okay?"

Mom: "You better do."

They then walked outside the room and Pyrrha and me were left in a bit of silence before she spoke up about the obvious confusion that moment there just had created.

Pyrrha: "So, are they your family? And what was all of that about, if you don't mind me asking you?"

(Y/N): "I don't mind. Yes, they're my family. My mom, my dad and Ian. Best family I could've hoped for. And about that little argument... It's a bit of a long story really, don't want to bore you with it."

Pyrrha: "You just said you didn't mind me asking, now you have to tell me aswell. It's not fair just making me all curious and then not saying what it's about you know."

(Y/N): "Alright then. So, my mom and dad went to the Vytal Festival. I don't know which edition it was, but while on the fairgrounds, my mom wanted my dad to win her something. I can't remember what. Point is: my dad was and still is really bad at throwing. And the stand he had to win it at was one where you were given a ball and had to hit some target."

Pyrrha: "I have a feeling that I can guess where this is going..."

(Y/N): "That's understandable, it's not hard to guess from here on. My dad missed all his attempts and it wasn't even hard probably. My mom still thinks he embarrassed the both of them that day."

Pyrrha: "Aha, I see... Guess what I guessed was right then."

(Y/N): "Like I said, you can see it coming pretty much from the beginning of the story."

Pyrrha: "Well... Do you want to do anything? Like, walk the fairgrounds for a bit or something? It's okay if you don't want to, I just-"

(Y/N): "Sure, let's go."

Pyrrha: "For real?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, why would I say so otherwise, come on."

And so, Pyrrha and me walked out of the room, since the medical check up was done now anyways and there wasn't much for me to do in this room anyway. She then looked at me and blushed a bit. I didn't really know why, until I felt her hang grab mine causing me to blush aswell now. Something told me, today was going to be perfect as it was now.

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