Chapter 20: Disturbance

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I felt a hand tap on my shoulder and turned around to see who disturbed the total inner piece I had acquired by simply looking at this chocolate cake. Ah yes, chocolate cake, a gift from a being so intelligent it knows how to create perfection. And that perfection, is a chocolate cake.

But that aside, I looked who tapped on my shoulder and cursed to myself.

(Y/N): "Goddammit, not this shit again..."

Summer: "Not the reaction I was hoping for, but that's ok."

Raven: "We just wanted to check up on you and have a talk."

(Y/N): "Sucks to be you, not gonna happen."

Simon came standing next to me.

Simon: "Hey (Y/N), who are these two? They came up to me and asked me all these kind of questions like if I was Simon Barrett and if I was on your team."

(Y/N): "And what did you answer?"

Simon: "Depends, I'm in need for some cash."

I mentally facepalmed and decided to keep this conversation with Summer and Raven as short as possible, since I wasn't feeling like talking to them ever again, neither seeing them.

(Y/N): "What do you want then?"

Summer: "Just having a talk, enjoying the weather..."

Raven: "Getting forgiven for stuff that happened years ago and doesn't matter anymore..."

(Y/N): "Haha, no."

Raven: "What do you mean, no?"

(Y/N): "You're not getting forgiven... I doubt I will ever forgive you guys! You are a black page in the book of my childhood, a part of my memory I'd scrape out if I could... I don't know what this all means to you, just some feeling of guilt that got out of hand probably, but to me, oh no, it's much more than that. If you'd even understand for the slightest bit, you'd leave me alone. And I don't see you doing that, so it's obvious to me what you think of it."

Summer: "But-"

(Y/N): "No but shall be heard here, come on, let's leave."

Me and the other walked out of the shop. It was then, Ian got my attention by elbowing me softly.

Ian: "They're still following us you know."

(Y/N): 'For fucks sake, can't they ever stop?'

I turned around and saw they indeed were still behind us, which annoyed me a lot, since I literally just told them to leave me alone.

(Y/N): "I told you to leave me alone! How hard is that to understand?! How did you even find me in the first place?"

Summer: "Well..."


Summer POV

I was sitting at home with the others, still a bit down from what happened in Ozpin's office this week. We were quite shocked by Ozpin throwing a mug into the wall, it was probably one of the angriest moments he ever had. Over the past few days, we had all done our own stuff for a bit, before coming back together and wanting to discuss how things are going to be now. We all were sorry for what we did to (Y/N) once, but he really didn't seem to believe us. It was then, my scroll rang and I decided to take the call.

Summer: "Hello? Who's there?"

Ruby: "Hello mom!"

Summer: "Hello sweetie! How are you doing?"

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