Chapter 12: Discoveries Piling Up

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We all braced ourselves, as Ian resumed time again. It was time to put his semblance to some use. Well, not real use as in fighting, just a bit of a joke. In case you don't remember, we found out Ian can manipulate time and drew a moustache on Weiss' face with a marker when time froze. And then, the knock on the door came. We all remained silent for a while, waiting for something to happen. Then it hit me.

(Y/N): "*whispering* Guys, we should open the door."

Simon: "Oh shit, forgot!"

Yang: "Open the door, I can hear you!"

Mike: "Coming!"

I heard Mike mumble something under his breath, but I couldn't quite hear it exactly. It sounded like he said something that sounded either like "lady blond shit" or "lady big tit". I don't know, but it probably wasn't very flattering. Anyway, Mike opened the door to reveal the entire team RWBY, just like we saw when time froze. And, indeed, Weiss with a drawn on moustache, which lead to Simon giggling uncontrollably, until Ian gave him a clear sign to stop.

Yang: "What, happy to see me?"

Simon didn't answer, but instead looked away to Ian again.

Yang: "Anyway, I told you I wouldn't stop until you became my little sister's friend and guess what, that still stands."

Weiss: "And for some reason, you decided to drag me into this, great."

Blake didn't answer, instead looked a little uncomfortable like she didn't want to be here and read. Which was understandable, I didn't want to be here either, the only reason I wasn't planning on leaving now was because Weiss still had a drawn on moustache and I kinda wanted to see how that ended.

We all talked for a bit, which was ok, except for the part where Ruby tried to sit unnecessarily close to me, which made me get up and walk to the toilet. When I got back, it seemed no one had said anything about Weiss' moustache, but rather just stayed silent about it. I decided to point it out, sounding as innocent as I could be.

(Y/N): "Eh, Weiss, there's something on your face."

Weiss: "Where?"

She tried to wipe it away using her hand, obviously without much luck, causing Simon to giggle again, before Ian kicked him, causing him to shut up.

Weiss: "Is it gone?"

(Y/N): "Nope, still there, I think it's best if you look in a mirror to get it off. There's one in the bathroom."

Weiss walked away into the bathroom, obviously unaware of that really happened to her face. Blake looked a little uneasy, as if she wanted to follow Weiss to keep her calm. We then heard an angry scream from the bathroom and saw Weiss storming out, moustache half gone.

Weiss: "WHO DID THIS?!"

Everyone burst out laughing, even Blake and Mike, which only angered Weiss more.


We laughed for a little more, as Weiss grew more and more angry, until Ian said something that made us all facepalm.

Ian: "Ok, ok, it was me, but I won't tell you how."

Weiss walked up to Ian, slapped him in the face and walked out of our dorm. Now, we were laughing at Ian.

Mike: "You know Ian, teasing girls is asking for kisses from them."

Ian got all red at this comment, causing him even to get a little stutter.

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