Chapter 37: After ...

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(A/N): to avoid any misunderstandings, text in italic between 'these' is thinking. Text in italic between "these" is a text message. Thank you for reading, let's get on with it.



(Y/N): "Well?"

I looked at them expectantly, but all three of them didn't seem to know where she was. Not Ren, not Jaune, not Nora, not a single one of them...

(Y/N): "Come on, you're her teammates, you're supposed to look out for her! For fuck's sake, I'm going back in there and I'm beating everything in my way up until I find her."

Jaune: "(Y/N) wait-"

(Y/N): "You're her partner, I'm even more disappointed in that now. Well, anyone got an idea where she could be? I mean, it's not that important, she could be dead for all we know or on the verge of death."

They all looked at me with saddened expressions, probably not really sure what to say.

(Y/N): "Like I said, no big deal, don't worry about it."

I started walking away and readied my weapon, but then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Simon with a worried look on his face.

Simon: "Don't do anything stupid please."

(Y/N): "Heh, says the one who wakes people up by dumping freezing water onto them. Besides, you would do the same in a situation like this."

Just then, Ruby joined us, with a look on her face that was a mix between worry and relief and happiness. How could it else be?

Ruby: "I'm so glad you guys are safe- wait where's Yang."

Weiss: "Taken away by medics."

Ruby: "Wait what? Why? Whathappenedtoherissheokohmyoumpleasetellmeshesok!"

Simon: "Please get off the steroids and talk normal, we can't understand a word like this. No one can probably, so please, either talk normal or shut up."

Ruby: "What happened to her? Is she ok? Please tell me she's ok!"

Simon: "Well, to be honest-"

Blake: "She got her arm cut off. She was bleeding very long but (Y/N) saved her I guess... She's with the medics now, she'll be fine, but I think she'll have to get a prosthetic."

Ruby cried a bit and tried to hug me, but I stepped away.

Ruby: "Big brother, I want to hug you, you saved Yang I wanna thank you!"

(Y/N): "Too bad you're still annoying, you don't happen to know where Pyrrha is by any chance, do you by the way?"

Ruby stopped crying and looked at me before answering.

Ruby: "N-no, I haven't s-seen her... Is something wrong?"

Jaune: "No one knows where she is right now, not me, not Nora, not (Y/N), no one."

Ian: "Actually..."

We all turned around and looked at Ian, who was looking somewhere above him. So, we looked in the same direction as he did and then finally saw it. Somewhere, up in the sky, was not only a huge dragon Grimm, but also in the tower were bright flashes of light.

Simon: "Of fucking course, we get out and all this bullshit shows up, probably too late aswell for fuck's sake."

Weiss: "Hey! Language!"

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