Chapter 31: Day To Day

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Ozpin POV

It was now evening and I was walking through the halls of Beacon after the first day of the festival. The combat part had shown quite some stunts. But something else seemed to be on Glynda's mind right now.

Glynda: "Ozpin, don't you think you were a little too harsh on Tai, Summer and Raven today? I mean, a ban from the school grounds would mean they can't see their daughters anymore. And as for Qrow, well, you know how he likes Ruby and Yang, they're a nice family all together."

Ozpin: "I know that, but Tai was being an aggressive dipshit today. I'm okay with him walking to the school grounds, or at least I was. The situation with (Y/N) has made it more difficult for me to respect them."

Glynda: "So what? This is a different case Ozpin, this doesn't have to do anything with him!"

Ozpin: "Well, technically it does."

Glynda looked at me questioningly as I said this.

Ozpin: "You didn't hear what he said to us before I sent him away?"

Glynda shook her head, meaning she didn't. Weird, I thought she was there at that moment when it all happened... Ah well, I can always still tell her now, it's not such a big deal.

Ozpin: "Tai was talking about how he wanted (Y/N) to forgive him. Now, you know (Y/N) isn't planning on doing that, he doesn't want to see them. Then Tai started talking about how (Y/N) should've been thankful he was ever adopted by them in the first place, which enraged Qrow. Tai really doesn't seem to realise how lucky he is (Y/N) never went to any authority with this story, just the sight of his right leg with all the scars would've been evidence enough for them to lock Tai and the others up."

Glynda: "Oh, I see... But did you really have to ban him?"

Ozpin: "Well, he nearly started fighting with Qrow, so it's out of safety reasons. If those two start to fight, something's wrong and so we need to make them calm down."

Glynda: "Yeah, I guess so... Anyway, who do you think will win the Vytal Festival?"

Ozpin: "Glynda, you can't say such a thing, we know about what's going to happen after all."

Glynda: "I know we do, but what if it won't happen? Who would've been the winner then?"

Ozpin: "Well, team RWBY was very strong today and so was team JNPR. I can see Miss Nikos getting far out of all the beacon students and (Y/N) aswell. That sandstorm trick was a clever one. But the other schools also have some good students. Atlas could bring a winner."

Glynda: "Yeah, I was thinking the same. Well, it's getting late, we should go to sleep. Long day tomorrow with a lot of happenings."

Ozpin: "You're right. Goodnight Glynda, see you tomorrow."

Glynda: "Goodnight Ozpin."

And so, we split ways and went to sleep. Tomorrow indeed was going to be long with a lot of events, so it was for the best we would be well rested.

Raven POV

The four of us, Tai, Qrow, Summer and me, now were all back together in the hotel we had our rooms at for the festival. We wanted to see our little girls and so we couldn't stay on Patch all the time. But that wasn't what really mattered now. I was confused. After we got back from getting some snacks to watch the remaining matches of the combat part of the festival, Tai had been sent out of the arena by Ozpin and we had to follow him. But we didn't have any context as to why that had happened. And so, now was time to ask him about it.

Raven: "So, Tai... What was that with Ozpin all about today?"

Tai: "Huh? What do you mea- oh, that in the arena you mean?"

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