Chapter 15: After The Shards

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David (L/N)'s POV

When I woke up today and checked the mail, I saw 3 things. One was the newspaper. I quickly browsed through it, seeing nothing that interesting, so on to the comics it was. Last few weeks they managed to get some fun ones in again, including one about a dude trying to write some story but always ended up messing it up completely.

The second was a letter from my good friend Roger, who I met once at a concert of a band called Pearl Jam. It was cool and we both agreed on staying in touch. Roger wrote about how he was travelling throughout the kingdoms, but took a wrong turn and arrived in Atlas somehow. Always the same with him: he's certainly a nice guy, but when you leave him to do something like planning a trip, you know you'll get lost at some point eventually.

The third was also a letter, but not something you'd expect to get. I read it all the way through and this is what it said:

Dear Mister and Misses (L/N),

You might not know who we are when we write down our names, so I'll explain quickly. We are the family that adopted (Y/N) before you did. As you know, he ran away one night because of something we did and we are terribly sorry for it. We can't ever apologize enough to him for that, but that's not the point of this letter. We are writing this letter because we want to thank you. Thank you for taking care of (Y/N), after we failed to do so properly. You don't have to answer this letter, neither do you have to tell (Y/N) if you don't want to. Just know that we're thankful for everything you have done for him.

Summer Rose, Tai Xiao Long, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose

I was a bit confused by this letter. Why all of a sudden would they bother to suddenly write this, after they had the chance for all these years? And even if I wanted, I couldn't write anything back to this letter: they didn't leave an address I could send it to. Kinda stupid if you'd ask me, but ok. I decided to show this to my lovely wife, Debbie. She had the same reaction I had: a little confused. We decided to for now not tell Ian and (Y/N) about this letter, since they probably already had enough stuff to worry about. We would likely see them soon enough in person with the Vytal festival coming here to Vale, something exciting for everyone here.

Qrow POV

We had gotten back home after (Y/N) rejected our apology yesterday. Well, the apology might also have failed because Tai can be such an ass sometimes, but I'm sure he means well. Feeling thirsty, I drank some more from my flask before looking around the living room of Tai and Summer's house again. Summer was walking around nervously, like a beowolf trapped in a too small cage without any other beowolves near him to keep him company. Or actually, keep her company, it has to be a female beowolf for this comparison to make sense, considering that, well you know, Summer is a woman.

Qrow: "Summer stop pacing around, it's making everyone only more nervous."

Summer: "But what if they didn't get the letter Qrow? And what if (Y/N) only hates us more now and will also stay away from the girls at school. I mean, he can't avoid them 100% since they're all in their first year, but I can't help but worry now."

Qrow: "Relax, do you see Tai and Raven walking around like you are? No, because they are trying to deal with this in other ways. Raven got a tribe to run which provides some healthy distraction and from what I understood, Tai is trying to make a new table or something. I don't know to be honest, but it's something with making new furniture and although he probably can't do it for shit, it's distraction and we all need that now. I'm gonna go back to doing a mission soon and you should also go do something else. It's for your own good."

Summer seemed to think about this for a while, before she answered.

Summer: "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll go check up on Tai to see if I can help him with anything or need to stop him before he accidentally sets something on fire magically."

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