Chapter 6: A Signal Of Movement From The Past

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Hi there, it's me again, the author. Like last chapter, there's going to be some keys in it and I want to make sure again you know what they mean. Maybe you already do, but hey, you can never be too sure.

(h/c) means hair color

(e/c) means eye color

Thanks for your patience and let's begin.


__Timeskip of 5 years since last chapter__

(Y/N) POV (aged 13 now)

I felt a sort of weird excitement when I woke up. Today was gonna be my first day at Signal Academy. My brother, Ian, was also coming, we're both 13 after all and we also both want to be hunters later. He just likes fighting Grimm it seems, but I want to be able to help people like dad did. Yes, the dad of the family that adopted me, the (L/N)'s, had been a hunter for a part of his life and graduated at Beacon. I got dressed and rushed downstairs. I already showered yesterday evening and didn't bother to do it again.

Mom: "Good morning (Y/N)! You look happy, looking forward to school?"

(Y/N): "Yes, I kinda do I guess..."

Dad came in with the newspaper and some breakfast for us. He then decided it would be a good plan to give us a detailed story about when he went to Signal and tried to make a move on our mom, when they were both 15 or 16. There was no point in it or moral of the story it seemed, except that girls in fact exist aswell. Which we already knew, but ok. Then, it was about time for us to go to Signal. I could tell Ian wasn't even half as excited as I am, but that's ok, he rarely was a bolt of joy when starting with something new.

Dad: "Well, time to go for you two. And because it's the first day, I'll come with you to see if you remembered how to get there actually."

Ian: "Dad, I know how to get to Signal, you've showed us the way there 3 times already... in last week alone!"

Dad: "You can never be too sure of such things, I can't risk you two getting lost on the first day and arriving late because of that."

Mom: "Just listen to your dad Ian, he might not always seem and act like it, but he's actually pretty smart and most of the times knows what he's doing."

Dad: "Hey!"

We all laughed because of that, but it was still time to go. We got at Signal pretty easily. I mean, what do you expect? Like Ian said this morning, we literally already went there 3 times last week. And it wasn't a long walk either, you could get there in 20 minutes, if you knew some shortcuts of course. Otherwise, you'd maybe take twice as long to get there by walking.

Dad: "Now, we got there I see. Please behave you two, it's the first day after all. Please?"

Ian grinned a bit evilly, before making a normal face again with the smile we all knew from him.

Ian: "Of course dad, no problem. We'll behave, right (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Yep, nothing funny happening today."

Dad: "Ah well, then I'll be able to leave you two to it without worrying. Stay safe, see you in the afternoon!"

He walked away and we waved at him, before entering the schoolgrounds. We saw some parents who seemed to have the same thoughts as ours, you know, walking them to make you sure they didn't get lost. But at least dad didn't literally walk us to the entrance or onto the schoolgrounds, which I did see happening here and there with others. I decided to point this out to Ian and he agreed that we indeed got lucky with that.

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