Chapter 1: The Winds Of Change Are Blowing

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(Y/N) POV (aged 8)

I looked in fear as i saw Ruby picking up a plate and throwing it to the ground. It scattered in millions of pieces and it didn't help it was still dirty, causing the sauce to spread all through the kitchen.

Ruby: "Daaad! (Y/N) just broke a plate!"

A fuming Tai came running into the kitchen and it was clear and obvious what he was here for.

Tai: "You little shit! I asked you to clean the kitchen and what did you do?! Not listen! Have this!"

(Y/N) received a punch to the gut and then yet another one to the face.

'Fucking hell Ruby, I wish you'd fall right through the ground and died. If you wouldn't have 'accidentally' spilled that plate of whatever the fuck I just made for dinner, I wouldn't have to go through all of this once more.'

After a minute or so, Yang and Ruby joined in and a few minutes after that, Summer got back from the bathroom and also joined in. At this point, (Y/N) had already one broken rib. He didn't cry though. He wasn't emotionless, no, he just didn't bother anymore. It'd only cost him precious energy and give him a headache. Not to mention, it would only make things worse. A few more broken bones followed over the next 30 minutes that they kept going. After they were finished, Tai spoke up, with the others soon following.

Tai: "Next time, listen to me, you piece of shit. I don't know why I even bother to still provide you a home."

Summer: "You're such a waste of oxygen and space, I wish you'd just die."

Ruby: "I hate you, why can't you just disappear?"

Yang decided to kick (Y/N) to put some force behind her message:

Yang: "Next time, I won't get you away so lucky."

'It's just what you call lucky. I'm literally in a pool of my own blood now and probably broke a few ribs again...'

Tai then proceeded to drag (Y/N) up the stairs in a few that every step hit his head. By the time he was passed out, he was in his room. Or let's be honest, you can't really call an attic with cardboard boxes full of stuff no one gives a shit about anymore a real room. (Y/N) started getting healed by his aura again. Tai had unlocked it, just for the purpose of being able to beat up (Y/N) multiple times a day and so he could soon go back to doing chores as a slave again. 

One hour later, still (Y/N) POV

'Great, back in this shithole again,' I thought as I got up and looked around. I stayed still for a while and after I made sure everyone was asleep or at least not coming up the stairs, I walked to one of the boxes that stood on the ground. Why they were there? No clue, but no one cared about them, that was for sure. After a while of looking through one of them, I finally found it: my only true possession and treasure: an old Walkman and a few cassettes.

'Right, let's get some music in here. No, not this, not you- ah, there you are.'

I put a cassette tape with a picture of a mountain and some clouds inside the Walkman and pressed play. As I walked to the room, I felt once more; still stuck. They locked it permanently a few years ago.

'Luckily, I can still look outside. Hello moon, hello stars... Here we are again I guess...'

As I listened to the music (and felt kinda pathetic for talking to the moon and stars like that), the words i heard today echoed into my mind once more. But what Ruby said stood out most importantly: "... why can't you just disappear?" I'd do nothing rather than that. And that night, I got a plan... A plan that would change everything for better for sure.

'Well, I can't get out now. On top of that, if I were to get out and they'd find me, I'd have nothing to defend myself with... Wait a second.'

As I looked up I saw one of the girders in the room, which were supporting the roof, was damaged a bit. I moved one of the boxes and stood on top of it, so I could reach up. After a few minutes, a piece of wood came loose.

'Finally! Now just sharpen this thing and I got a spear. How though?'

I decided to take another look inside the boxes, beginning with the one I stood on a minute ago. There wasn't much in it that I could use, only an old knapsack which I decided to use later. The second box, contained what I was hoping to find: a stone. And after 2 hours of hard work and barely passing out for the lack of energy (once again I had no 'dinner' before ending in my room) I was finished. The piece of wood was now sharp enough to do a little damage. I then decided to go to sleep. Tomorrow, another day in hell awaits...


Well, that was another shitty and short chapter, brought to you by yours truly. Next chapter might be a lot longer, as I'm planning to make it quite the eventful one. Hope to see you there!

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