Chapter 7: Sharpening The Weapons For A Close Call

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It was another boring day at Signal... Lessons, teaching, homework... At least we got to work on our weapons at the end of the day again, but it wasn't the end of the day yet. It was almost lunch time now and me and Ian, who was sitting next to me, were eagerly staring at the clock for this boring lessons to end. Then, the bell went off, signalling the end and we speeded out of the classroom as soon as we could so we maybe could get a table in the canteen. When we arrived there, all tables seem to be taken however. It was then, a ball of paper hit Ian in the head.

Ian: "What the fuck, who did that?!"

Simon: "You're really blind aren't you, Ian?"

Ian and me turned around to see Simon and Mike sitting behind us... at a table.

(Y/N): "Wait, how did you two manage to get a table, I'm pretty sure we arrived here before you two did."

Mike: "Well, you know, there were some girls sitting here, but we pushed them away and quickly took the table."

Ian: "You really did that?"

Simon: "Yep and I'd say mission complete."

He gave Mike a high-five and they both looked pretty proud.

(Y/N): 'You must be fucking kidding me...'

Ian and me decided to not further look too much into it and just went to sit opposite of them at the table, also starting on our lunch. We all talked a bit about how boring today was and the unreasonable amounts of homework we had been getting. It was then, Simon took his next sandwich, took a bit and spit it out.

Simon: "Damn, this tastes horrible... Away with it!"

He threw it across the canteen, hitting some girl on the back of her head with it. She turned around.

Random girl: "You again? First you take our table and now you're throwing food at me?! This is war!"

She threw a sandwich back at Simon, who ducked and some dude behind us was hit in the face. To keep a long story short, a huge foodfight erupted, with students taking cover and running away from the canteen.

Mike: "Way to go Simon, now I can't ask that girl out properly anymore because I'm friends with you!"

Ian: "Shut up, we need to get out of here before the teachers find out who started this, I don't want to get detention again."

Simon: "Again?"

Ian: "Yeah, remember when you threw that pencil into the trash can but actually not and you hit the teacher? I got the blame for that pal."

Simon: "Oh shit... Sorry dude."

Mike: "We gotta run, now!"

We all got up and ran to the door, when I saw a tray flying towards me. I held up my hands trying to kinda protect myself, but then I heard a loud bang and the tray was flying backwards. The whole canteen stopped and looked at me in confusion.

(Y/N): "Wha- What just happened?"

Ian: "Dude, you send some sort of shockwave towards that plate, it flew to the other side of the fucking canteen."

(Y/N): "Wow... You think this would be my semblance?"

Mike: "Could be... Anyway, let's make a run for it before the teachers arrive."

Simon, Ian, Mike and me quickly sprinted away to the lockers. Sadly enough for Simon, he got detention since someone told the teachers he threw the sandwich that started the fight, even if not on purpose.

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