Chapter 16: Being Forgiven Takes Time

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(A/N): I will now do messages also in the same way as writing thoughts, aka in italic or 'this' in case you didn't know. I will make it clear when it's a text message and when it's a thought, but just in case, so you're now aware of this. Anyway, let's get into the chapter now, shall we?



I opened the door and saw... Yang. Great, fantastic, out of everyone who could've been waiting outside that door it had to be Yang? I would've been fine with anyone being there, it could've been an army of Grimm standing here waiting to complete their surprise attack. Actually, nah, I'd rather talk to Ruby then and risk getting beaten up like in the old days.

(Y/N): "Who's there- Oh, what do you want?"

Yang: "(Y/N), can we talk for a bit?"

(Y/N): "We're talking right now aren't we?"

Yang: "No, not here, in private, somewhere else."

(Y/N): "Listen, I don't know what you're planning on doing, but if you want to beat me up, do it already, you never hesitated in the past either and I can defend myself now unlike back then."

She seemed to be a little shocked and taken back by my words, which lead to Ian walking up to me to see who was with me standing at the door.

Ian: "Hey (Y/N), who's there- Oh, it's you Yang, what's the problem?"

Ian said this at a tone that was a blend of friendliness and a tone that I'd like to describe as the "get the fuck outta here before I break your kneecaps before you can say a single word"-tone.

Yang: "I just need to talk to (Y/N) in private for a while, would that be possible?"

Ian: "Well, I don't know, (Y/N) decides on that obviously."

He was glaring at Ruby a bit with a look that wasn't exactly the most trust showing one, but I decided to go with her anyway. I'd see if I was gonna regret this or not, but if she tries to do anything funny, I still have my weapon with me now.

(Y/N): "Alright, I'll go, but try to do anything that I don't want and you'll be facing my weapon."

Yang and me then walked outside, to a quiet spot under a tree. I don't know if she had this spot in mind or if this is improvised, but I have to admit that this is a nice place to sit and I'd be enjoying myself, weren't it for the fact Yang was sitting next to me. After a few moments of awkward silence, she spoke up.

Yang: "(Y/N), can I ask you something?"

(Y/N): "You just did."

Yang: "Two things then?"

(Y/N): "You also just did that."

Yang: "Fine, four questions, can I ask you four questions?"

(Y/N): "You already did."

Yang: "Wait, when did I ask the fourth question?"

(Y/N): "Just now."

I was grinning heavily at my own joke while I could see Yang getting slowly annoyed and almost ready to punch me out of annoyance, but quickly getting herself back in check.

Yang: "Ugh, you know what I mean."

(Y/N): "Of course I do, how can I not?"

Yang: "Do you hate us? You know, me, Ruby, mom and dad, uncle Qrow and aunt Raven."

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