Chapter 26: Quiet Storm

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I was standing now in the canteen, after my team and team KNPR gave team NDGO a short tour. It seemed at one point like (Y/N) got in some trouble with Octavia, but Pyrrha seemed to solve it as quickly as it came. I'm happy he's got such a good friend in her, I'm a bit worried about him sometimes sticking too much to us only. I mean, he's a great brother and friend, but what after Beacon? At some point, he won't be able to hang around us anymore.

But now, I felt myself getting a little pale. From the other entrance to the canteen, a team was walking, who I also assumed were transfer students. And although in my dream I didn't see their faces at all, the colours of their clothing were a perfect match and so are their hairstyles and colours.

(Y/N): "Ian, what's the matter?"

I realised (Y/N) had seen me getting sucked into my own thoughts about this all and I decided to ask him something, just to be sure that this was all in fact real.

Ian: "I didn't eat any carrots recently, did I?"

(Y/N): "I don't think so, otherwise you would've spit them out during dinner or so probably knowing you. Wait... did you have another dream?"

Yep, that's the confirmation I needed. Well, needed is a big word, I was rather hoping there'd be more obvious villain looking people, these 4 seemed quite normal, but still, no carrots means I should trust my dreams on this one. I find it a bit random how carrots of all things need to fuck things up, but I'm happy I'm not some faunus who a terrible craving for carrots now.

Ian: "I'm going to have to contact Ozpin, this isn't good."

(Y/N): "Well, let's go see him then, I'm sure he's still in his office, maybe we can still catch him and talk with him about all of this."

Ian: "Guess you're right. Should we bring anyone?"

(Y/N): "No, this way we won't get spotted."

And so, (Y/N) took me towards the elevator to Ozpin's office. What we both didn't see coming however, was someone actually noticing us walk away.

Pyrrha POV

I was about to ask (Y/N) something about a rumour I heard about a dance being held at Beacon soon. I was just curious if he and Ian would happen to know anything about it. And maybe ask him to go with me there. Just maybe... But it was then, I saw them walk away. I ran to them and still caught up with them before they exited the canteen.

Pyrrha: "Hey, where are you two going?"

(Y/N): "Oh, hey Pyrrha. Nothing important really, we'll be right back. If Simon and Mike ask us where we went, just tell them we left something in our dorm... Eh, nothing important like I said, we'll be right back."

Pyrrha: "Oh ok, see you back in a bit then."

As I saw them walk away, I decided to question (Y/N)'s reply a bit. He seemed a bit nervous as if he just made half of that stuff up, if not all of it.

Pyrrha: 'Nothing important? We'll see about that.'

And so, I set foot to follow them for a bit, out of pure curiosity.


Now, after having taken the elevator up we were in Ozpin's office, who seemed to be a bit surprised to see us, but nonetheless didn't seem to really mind it either. I mean, judging by what he was doing, I think what we had to say was probably more interesting. Who likes cleaning a mug after all?

(Y/N): "Hello headmaster Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Ah, Mr and Mr (L/N)! How can I help you now?"

(Y/N): "I believe it's for Ian to explain that now."

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