Chapter 30: What It's Like To Win Part 2

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And now, after Neptune was in a less panicked state, the 3 of them charged to me and I ran away, into the desert biome, as a last resort and a place where I could hopefully defend myself better, due to the rocks. Sadly, it all seemed a lost cause really: Neptune, Sun and Scarlet all versus me proved really hard to block at the same time and I took quite some hits, making my aura be deep into orange, while Sun's was also there, but Neptune was still in the bright green and Scarlet was aswell. But it was then, an idea popped into my head on how to improve this whole situation.

(Y/N): 'Oh yes... Finally I can put my semblance to some good use...'

I put all my energy I had still left into using my semblance, shooting soundwaves. But instead of aiming at my 3 opponents, I aimed at the sand, causing a sandstorm to appear and they lost their vision on the ground pretty much. This way, I could sneak away, onto the rock formation that was in the biome. From up here, I could see them vaguely through the huge wall of sand, but they couldn't see me, thinking I was still on the ground probably.

Sun: "WHERE IS HE!?!"

Scarlet: "I DON'T KNOW!"

Neptune: "I THINK I GOT HIM!"

Neptune indeed thought he got me. But sadly, reality was he didn't got me. Instead, he hit Scarlet with his trident.

Scarlet: "Ow! He got me!"

Neptune: "And I got hi- wait a minute! You're not (Y/N)!"

Scarlet: "And you're not him either!"

Sun: "Then where the hell is he?!"

(Y/N): "I'm right here."

As the sand was settling down again and the view for everyone was getting more clear, they could finally see my, I assume a bit vaguely still though, standing there. Before they even could really fully process, I had pulled back the axe blades on my weapon, transforming it into a gun. The first shot knocked Scarlet out of the battle. Sun, seemingly angered by this, flew towards me, while Neptune tried to hit me from a distance. I dodged Neptune's shots and waited for Sun to get closer to me, so he was fully in my range. And then, when he was I used my semblance again and blew him out of the field and with that out of battle. I then reloaded the gun of my weapon quickly, took aim and shot Neptune's weapon out of his hand, far away from him. I jumped down as he tried to grab his weapon again. I, in response, shot the weapon further away again. I then grabbed him by the collar and started dragging him over the ground. On the stands, the once to cheerful looking team SSSN fan club now had looks of sadness on their face and I could also feel some questioning glares from other people watching. As we reached the ocean biome, I lifted up Neptune and threw him into the water.


After these words were picked up, my team was declared victorious and I walked away from the arena to check up on my teammates, all knocked out of the match by the fact they lost a huge part of their aura, not because they flew out of the ring or something, like what happened to Scarlet. By the time I reached them, they gave me a small applause and some cheering.

Mike: "Brilliant (Y/N), just brilliant."

Simon: "Awesome man! I liked especially how Neptune was screaming, never knew he was afraid of water. I think I should use that against him some time."

Ian just smiled at me and stayed a bit calmer, although it was clear he was also happy we won.

Ian: "So... I guess we're through to the next round, aren't we?"

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