Chapter 35: Fighting For Safety

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I took my scroll and rang Ozpin, who took the call pretty soon."

Ozpin: "Hey (Y/N), what's going on currently, I'm in the toilets so I can't talk too loud or it'll be awkward."

(Y/N): "Well, it started right now, so you better get out of there."

Ozpin: "Say what?"

(Y/N): "You heard me well enough the first time, I won't repeat it. We can start the operation of protecting Beacon..."

Ozpin: "Alright, I'm with you all there soon, show them what you got. Please protect Beacon as good as you can, for now, Vale is safe and well protected, everyone and everything is there ready according to the plans we made."

(Y/N): "Understood sir."

I hung up and looked at Pyrrha. Ian and Weiss had now joined us.

Ian: "Alright, you two go there to the left, we'll go to the right here. If anything is wrong, we call the others by scroll."

Weiss: "Sounds like a plan."

We all then walked off in the directions we needed to. Cinder had stopped speaking and now had disappeared. On our way to the right, we ended up at the arena, now a lot emptier than it was at first. Grimm started to flood the arena, but soon were trapped in a ring of fire, just like we'd planned. The flames went higher and higher, until the lines of the arena closed like a beartrap, killing all the Grimm in the process. The Tony guy from the meetings was there, cheering for his own success.

Tony: "I knew it! I knew it would work-"

Sadly, he was attacked and knocked out from his back by someone I knew: Mercury. Damn asshole, time to teach him some decency. He was about to chop the unconscious Tony's head off, when I blocked his strike.

(Y/N): "I knew you were going to do some low moves, but I never knew someone would sink this deep. How bad are you at fighting actually? I mean, knocking someone out from behind and then kill them? How much do you need to compensate?"

Mercury: "... You little shit."

He tried to kick me, but I side stepped and threw a punch at him. He saw it coming though and dodged it by stepping backwards.

Ian: "So eh... I'll take care of the others I guess?"

(Y/N): "Yep, please do so, Emerald, Cinder and that Neo girl are still out there. Basically, the whole team."

I looked at Mercury and he stared back at me. We stared each other down and circled around for a good half a minute. That was, until I realised something, a question I had that needed to be answered before we could finish this. It was really important.

(Y/N): "Hang on, hang on."

Mercury: "What's the matter?"

(Y/N): "I have an important question actually, would you mind if I ask it now? If one of us were to die now, it can never be asked and we'd miss out on all the possible knowledge future generations could be blessed with."

Mercury: "Alright, what is it?"

(Y/N): "What's your team's name? I mean, you've been here for quite some time now, due to the early transfer and all, but I never really caught it."

Mercury: "I don't know either to be honest, Cinder or the others never really bothered to tell me I'm afraid."

(Y/N): "Oh ok, well, that's answered and solved for now I guess then. Want to resume to what we were doing?"

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