Chapter 34: Always Something To Worry About

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I woke up and looked around, with a face that would probably be put into history books and the perfect mix of confusion and sleepiness, if there would be a picture of it. Ian sat on a bed, looking at me. A quick look around the room made me realise I was back in my dorm. It also made me realise it was 6:30 in the morning, which is weird, since I never get up so early out of myself, neither do the others in my team.

Ian: "Your face is one of many questions, my young friend."

(Y/N): "Getting poetic, are we now?"

Ian: "Well, it was worth a try, but I guess someone who wakes up annoyed and confused just isn't going to appreciate my choice of words and talent for the noble arts of poetry."

He tried to make a dramatic expression, but it just looked very whiny.

Simon: "Will you please shut up Ian? I hate poetry already and never even read any of it?"

Ian: "Wait, how did you get out of that assignment back at Signal then? We had to read a whole book of that nonsense for a fucking grade and you tell me you didn't do it at all?"

Simon: "Wouldn't you like to know. But get to the point, (Y/N) looks so confused his head will roll of or explode if we don't do anything about it, so I suggest we do while we still can."

(Y/N): "Thanks I guess..."

Ian: "What are your questions, my young-"

Simon: "Shut up."

(Y/N): "Well, how did I end up in my dorm in the first place?"

I indeed felt like there was missing a link here. Last thing I remembered was sitting with Pyrrha on a bench enjoying the fireworks and just hoping it would go on forever and tomorrow would never arrive and start. Well, we know that happened now, but what about all the other stuff?

Simon: "Well, I'll keep it short. You both fell asleep and no matter how cute it looked and no matter how great the urge was to make pictures for blackmail purposes, we didn't. Instead, your team and her team brought you two back to each of the dorms and then you both kept sleeping. Damn, you really are a tough sleeper you know. I'm impressed. I thought Mike was bad."

(Y/N): "What would I get as bonus feature if you'd tell me the long version of this story?"

Simon: "Oh, don't worry, nothing much important."


Simon POV

Jaune and Ren were carrying Pyrrha and Ian and Mike were carrying (Y/N). Honestly, I never thought they'd manage to sleep through all of what we came across so far when bringing them to our dorm. To begin with, a drunk Qrow trying to sing Never Gonna Give You Up at a karaoke stand. I'd only know his name from the fact (Y/N) described him perfectly already and basically he tried to act like some world class performer and introduce himself. Then there was Weiss doing... Whatever the fuck that with Ian was supposed to be. We also saw one of the girls from team NDGO chasing Neptune with a water hose... He probably had it coming. And to top this great exhibition all off, Yang tried to make a move on Ian when we already were in the hallway to the dorms. That was a weird situation to say the least.

Nora: "Wait, I got an idea, be quiet."

The... well, transport of the bodies would sound weird, but it's the best way to explain this, stopped and we all looked at her questioningly. Nora breathed in and then did a Pyrrha impression.

Nora: "Oh (Y/N), I love you so much I just wanna smooch you and cuddle with you while watching fireworks."

We all looked at her dead serious for a moment where there was silence. Then, everyone burst out in laughter.

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