Chapter 2: A Birthday And The Birth Of Freedom

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3rd POV

It was a nice sunny day, perfect for celebrating a birthday. Coincidentally, it was a birthday and people were celebrating it. It was the birthday of Ruby and all her family had come. Well, all but (Y/N), who had been sent to the attic again so he wouldn't ruin the day for everyone. Or at least, that was what Summer and Tai had decided to do and that was their excuse. So while everyone was happily eating cake outside, (Y/N) was in the attic, eating his breakfast, which looked the same as any meal he had gotten over the past few years: water and some left over bread that likely had passed any sort of expiration date.

(Y/N): 'This again... Well, I better eat it, or I won't have any energy at all for today... I already waited long with eating it.'

He looked outside and saw it was already afternoon by a few hours.

(Y/N): 'Let's just hope it won't make throw up like yesterday...'

Meanwhile, outside, Summer had given a small package to Ruby.

Summer: "Here you go sweetie, happy birthday!"

Ruby opened it happily and looked what was inside. What was inside was something she'd been hoping to get for a long time. Obviously, it was:

Ruby: "A toy scythe! Thank you so very much mom, I can't wait to play with it!"

She hugged her parents, before running off to play with Yang somewhere in the garden. The dog, Zwei, followed them, while barking and running happily. Seeing them play made Summer and Tai smile. It also made Summer get an idea. A devilish and an absolutely heinous idea...

Summer POV

'Aah, look at them playing. So cute...'

Summer: "I can't believe how quick they grow up. It seemed like yesterday that I held Ruby for the first time while Yang was jumping up and down trying to see her..."

Tai: "Yeah, I remember that. You two looked so sweet together, I thought you'd never stop smiling when I saw you like that."

I turned my head and looked at Ruby and Yang again. I noticed how Ruby was chasing Yang with her scythe with Zwei still following them. Then, an idea popped into my head and I decided to tell it to Tai.

Summer: "How about we get (Y/N) down here?"

Tai: "What? Why would you wanna get that lowlife here? He wouldn't even deserve it!"

Summer: "Well, I think it's time we'd let Ruby 'train' a bit with her present don't you think?"

A smirk appeared on Tai's face, a sign of him approving the idea.

Tai: "Yes, now that is a good idea. I'll go get him here."


I was walking up the stairs. First to the first floor, then reaching the attic to get that piece of shit here. I kicked in the door, to see he fell asleep after he this morning made breakfast and cleaned the house.

Tai: "Get up! It's time for you to 'train'!

I saw (Y/N)'s face lit up a bit. Obviously, he didn't know what was really going to happen and I wasn't planning on telling him either before we got to the garden.

(Y/N): "Really?"

Tai: "Yes. Now, I'll race you downstairs. You get a headstart!"

I picked him up, pushed him towards the stairs and kicked him, causing him to roll down each step before falling with his face flat on the ground of the first floor.

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