Chapter 21: A Serious Case

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Ozpin looked at me with a slightly shocked and weirded out expression on his face.

Ozpin: "What? How come you think that Mr. (L/N)?"

(Y/N): "I assume you don't know what Ian's semblance is?"

Ozpin: "I'm not aware he had unlocked his yet. Were you Glynda?"

Prof. Goodwitch: "No, I wasn't, please explain Mr. (L/N)."

I mentally sighed, knowing that now it's not me and professor Goodwitch alone anymore, we'd be back to formal matters, despite her insisting I'd call her Glynda just a minute ago...

(Y/N): 'Damn, life is such a mood swing sometimes...'

(Y/N): "Ian's semblance is time manipulation we discovered. By clapping his hands he can stop and resume time. Now, my point might be a little far-fetched, but Ian had a dream last night, or actually more of a nightmare. In this dream, Beacon was destroyed, there were Grimm everywhere and I got murdered by a faunus man."

Ozpin: "I see... And you believe this could have been a vision of things to come if I'm not mistaken?"

(Y/N): "Correct, headmaster Ozpin. I don't know if his semblance includes such things, but I believe that if we don't prepare ourselves for such a disastrous moment, Beacon indeed could be destroyed and some of us may never see daylight alive again."

Ozpin: "That is a serious case indeed Mr. (L/N)... I would like to have a word later this afternoon with you and your whole team about this, we can discuss it into more detail and possible start preparations. Do you have any idea when this attack on the school could be?"

(Y/N): "In all honesty, I don't know when... Maybe Ian could have a good idea, it was his dream after all..."

Ozpin: "I see... We shall leave that also to a point for this afternoon then. Now, we will treat this with all seriousness we can. I don't believe you were to make up such a thing, although I would like to see your brother's semblance into action first, if possible of course. I don't want you to tell anyone in the school except your team and us about this. We don't know who could possible harm the school in such a way after all, they could be under us... Now, good luck with classes, please meet me and professor Goodwitch with your team after the last class you have today, understood?"

(Y/N): "Yes headmaster Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Ok then. Glynda, would you mind bringing Mr. (L/N) back to the canteen?"

Glynda then escorted me back to the canteen, which, to be honest, felt really unnecessary and was probably a waste of everyone's time. When I got back in the canteen, my team motioned to me to join them, so I got something to eat quickly and sat at the same table they were sitting at. Team JNPR also was there for some reason.

Ian: "Hey man, where were you?"

(Y/N): "At Ozpin's office, he wants to talk to us after our final class today."

Ren: "Oh? Why is that?"

Mike: "It's not a big deal really now, just some information, maybe a possible mission, that kind of stuff."

I was thankful that Mike had an excuse for this so quickly, imagine having to explain the whole story of Ian's dream and his semblance to them. They'd like be a bit sceptic towards the whole idea of it being something to come, but I think it's very possible.

Nora: "Cool! I also want to go on a mission!"

Jaune: "Maybe some other week."

Nora: "Pfft, you always figure out some way to kill the mood and shoot down such ideas, don't you?"

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