Chapter 9: Arriving At A New Place

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I woke up and felt an enthusiastic smile creeping up my face. The vacation might be over, but today we were going to Beacon! With 'we' I obviously mean Ian and me, but I don't know if he'd be as excited about this as I am. I opened the curtains in my room and hoped for a sunny day to match my enthusiasm. Sadly, it was raining. Which seemed to match Ian's mood right now as I heard him scream in the bathroom. I walked over to him to see if he was ok.

(Y/N): "Are you ok dude? I heard you scream."

Ian: "No, I'm gonna die!"

(Y/N): "Oh shit, what happened."

Ian: "I stubbed my toe..."

I looked at him with a disappointed face probably. I mean, stubbing your toe hurts, but it's not the end of the world. I decided to leave him to it for now and get dressed. After that, I brushed my teeth and saw myself in the mirror. I've changed quite the bit since the (L/N) family adopted me. I'm now back at about average height and my weight is also a lot more on the healthy side compared to when I got here. Ian came in and stood next to me, also going to brush his teeth. He was somehow slightly smaller than me, something I only noticed once in a while. Probably because neither of us really could give a flying fuck about it. Once he was done, we went downstairs for breakfast and saw our parents standing there, with proud faces.

Mom: "Look at you two. My own boys, going to Beacon! Time really does fly, doesn't it?"

Dad: "I'm proud of you two, I really am. Here, go eat your breakfast. I'll help you carry your stuff into the car and then we can go to the bullhead.

That was also something that had changed since I got here. Dad had actually bought a car when we went to Signal, despite once having said in his life he hated cars and would only travel by bike. I guess that promise didn't come true entirely.

After breakfast, Ian and me got our stuff: our weapons, clothing and just about everything we were gonna need at Beacon. I guess that's also something important now, I changed my weapon so I'm able to change it into a guitar aswell. At first it was a problem since the strings weren't exactly easily to keep whole during the axe mode and quite a few times they snapped when I switched it back into a guitar. But Ian and me figured something out with the help of Mike and Simon during the vacation when we hung out and so now I can play guitar when I want aswell. I did take an extra pack of strings with me, just in case.

Once everything was packed into the car, we gave a goodbye kiss to mom and drove off. Once she was out of sight, I let out a bit of a sad sigh. I guess I wasn't going to see her for a while... Ian immediately was able to lift up the mood though.

Ian: "Hey man, when we are at Beacon, we could see Mike and Simon again!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I forgot, but it would be cool to have them in our team."

Ian: "Team? What team?"

Dad: "You didn't really pay attention, did you? In Beacon, you'll be in a team of four people during the time you'll be there. It happens that teams of three, two or one person are made, but that's really an exceptional case."

Dad of course would know this stuff, since he once went to Beacon aswell. He didn't become a huntsman though, he only went there so he could protect his loved ones. He played as a drummer in a band for a while, before opening a small bakery. He sold it when he and mom got Ian and the profit of selling the bakery had been enough to live off for years. He now has a small sort of advisor's position in the company, so he still has an income and we don't suddenly run out of money.

Once we got at the bullhead, we noticed that the weather had gotten better. The sun was shining and most of the clouds with rain were slowly drifting away. It was also time to say our goodbyes to dad. We weren't gonna see him for a while after all and I'm sure both Ian and me will miss him.

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