Chapter 5: New Life

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Small note from the author:

During this chapter, you're gonna see some other key things apart from the usual (Y/N) and (L/N), of which you already might know the meaning. Still, I'd like to make sure you do, and go over them quickly. Won't take long, don't worry.

(f/c): favourite color

(f/f): favourite food

Thank you for your patience, now let's get on with the story.



After two more days in the hospital and two more visits from David, I was ready to go again. The doctor still told me I needed those pills twice a day for a month or so and then I was going to need to go to check-ups after for a while. But that was ok, since I was now going to open a new chapter in my life. I was lost in these thoughts a bit when I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and saw David standing there.

David: "You ready to go?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm ready. Would it be ok if I took this with me... You know, as a sort of souvenir?"

I pointed at my spear while I was putting the pills in my knapsack.

David: "Yeah, sure, but if you want a weapon to really use, we should make you a proper one when you get home. By the way, I was thinking, how about we go home now and then later tonight all go somewhere for dinner."

(Y/N): "Cool, sounds awesome."

David: "Alright, that's settled then. Here, I'll take your stuff, we can clip it on the bike."

We walked outside and I saw his bike had indeed a sort of holders at each side, which he used to clip my stuff on, so we wouldn't have to constantly hold it. David then tossed me a helmet.

David: "Here, catch. Safety is important."

I put the helmet on and we drove to his home. On the way there, I decided to ask him something.

(Y/N): "Ehh... Mr. David?"

David: "Just call me dad if you'd like to, it's easier and also more appropriate since we officially adopted you now."

(Y/N): "Oh ok. Dad? Where is the house actually?"

David: "Just outside of Vale, the big city around here. We should be there in like 20 minutes. You'll like it there, I'm sure of it."

__Timeskip to like 20 minutes later__

Davi- oh sorry, I mean dad stopped his bike and we got it off. I handed him my helmet and looked around. There was a nice house, in the forest like environment, with plenty of space around it. I also spotted a shed and some plants, I assume their garden.

Dad: "So, what do you think?"

(Y/N): "It's... amazing..."

Dad took my stuff and set the spear right next to the door. He then opened the previously mentioned door and held it open for me.

Dad: "Welcome... to casa (L/N)! I'll bring your stuff to your room and then we can go have some lunch, you must be starving after having just that lousy hospital food for days."

He then showed me what was gonna be my room.

Dad: "Now, we haven't painted the walls yet since we didn't know what color you'd like. So for now, the walls are (f/c). If you want, we can go get some paint tomorrow and get you some color you like a little more."

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