Chapter 25: New Faces

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We were all standing at some platform right now. According to what Ian heard from the teachers, some of the transfer students for the Vytal Festival are supposed to arrive today, exactly here. The ones from Vacuo took a boat, which is why team RWBY probably are at the docks right now. I didn't mind, of course, since it meant a little more of a quiet environment around here. And since it was a little chilly here, it probably would mean cold in the open wind near the water. Stupid of them, they might not even be there until night. The reason all those students are here early, is because of a storm warning being issued for next week, when they were originally planned to come here. But due to the severity of that storm and the chance of it hitting Vale 100% surely, their arrival was scheduled for this week, so they would avoid getting stuck in there. All in all, a pretty understandable decision, given the status of the Vytal Festival.

Simon: "Remind me why we have to do this again?"

Ian: "Because it's good to see whoever these transfer students are. Maybe we could find some good friends or people who we'll create a bond with."

Mike: "He just wants to spy on them so he could get an advantage during the battling part of the festival."

Simon: "Hey, smart move man! See, this is why you're our leader!"

Simon slapped Ian's back a little too hard, causing Ian to nearly lose balance, but stepping forward and regaining it, probably just in time.

Mike: "And then there is of course Ian and Simon's favourite reason: watching for girls."

I chuckled a bit seeing the way they reacted. Ian got all red and stuttered a bit, while Simon just got a little angry in his denial.

Simon: "No, it's not!"

Ian: "I-I didn't plan t-to do s-s-such things..."

(Y/N): "To be fair Simon, back in Signal you did always say you wanted your semblance to be something that would attract a lot of hot girls."

Simon: "I always imagined being on the same team as my friends to be more fun and less bad jokes, but look where we are now..."

We all laughed a bit at Simon, before being joined by two other teams: team JNPR and team CRDL, the latter obviously being the big surprise of the day.

(Y/N): "Hey Jaune, Ren, Nora, Pyrrha... team-"

Simon: "Cuntlike Rectal Dickhead Losers."

Cardin: "The fuck...?"

Russell: "I think he just called us team Cuntli-"

Cardin: "Yeah, I get, it. Haha, real funny Simon. Guess I should call you team... Eh... Hang on, it's coming. Just a second."

Mike: "*whispering* He won't think of anything, will he?"

Ian: "*whispering* Nope."

(Y/N): "While we leave them preparing some bad joke that won't work, I assume you four are here for the same reason as us?"

Nora: "Depends! If your main reason to be here is also just followi-"

Cardin: "I GOT IT!"

Dove: "You do?"

Cardin: "Of course, why would I scream it so loudly otherwise? So yes, I really got it!"

Jaune: "Let's hear it then."

Cardin: "..."

Simon: "I'm waiting."

Cardin: "I forgot again."

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