Chapter 28: Only Fools And Optimists

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I woke up and knew immediately what day it was and what its purpose was going to be. But let's be honest, who wouldn't know all of that after all the amount of preparation that went into it? I am of course thinking about the Vytal Festival. Today was the start, the first day of it all. All the training I had and all the preparations in Vale lead up to this. As early as our first semester, people were busy with it all. That has of course to do with the important function of this festival, although it's mostly a symbolic one now. After the Great War ended 80 years ago, this was all set up to celebrate its ending or something. Every 2 years with a rotating host it would take place and this time it was Vale's turn. I got up quickly, to see my teammates were already halfway through their morning routines.

Simon: "Oh, good morning (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You didn't even bother to wake me up? On a day like this?"

Ian: "You can use all the rest you can get. Besides, it's still a bit early and we won't be late anyway to all the festivities. I mean, as long as we're in time for our team's fight of course that is."

(Y/N): "I guess so... What's the program for the rest of the day though? I mean, doesn't the whole fighting part only start in the afternoon or so?"

Ian: "Yep, you're right about that. It means we'll now get the opportunity to walk the closed fairgrounds for a bit, train some more and then relax while hanging out with some friends before it all starts. Unless of course if you're against that. We can still always figure something else out."

(Y/N): "No, no, it's ok, I agree with that, it's a good plan. Was just wondering about it all."

A short silence filled the dorm as no one was sure what there still was to be said or included into this brief conversation. And so, I decided that it was up to me again.

(Y/N): "Well, I guess I'll go take a shower and follow you guys to breakfast a little later."

Ian: "Sure, see you in a bit."

And so, I went to the bathroom leaving the others to themselves.


Mike, Simon and me had decided to go to the canteen in advance to get ourselves an at least decent spot to sit there. We had left (Y/N) a note in which we explained that to him. I'm sure he could also already guess that, but I decided to not risk it. The canteen was still relatively quiet to my surprise. It wasn't what I had expected on a day like this, but it didn't matter really. I guess the other students just decided to first get some rest now. After getting ourselves some breakfast we started eating. And about 5 minutes later, the first other students came in now. That included the transfer students and team CRDL, but they're not the only ones we saw. After a while, also team RWBY came into sight and so was team JNPR. Over the past few weeks since I interrupted (Y/N) and Pyrrha's night and whatever they were doing there, the team as a whole has been spending more time with team RWBY. But that didn't really stop Pyrrha from spending time with (Y/N). They look so sweet together, I wonder why the two dumbasses they are just didn't admit to the other what they like the other. Ah well, it'll surely happen during the Vytal Festival, I'm positive about that. But speaking of team JNPR, we were now being approached by them.

Jaune: "Hey guys, mind if we join you at the table?"

Mike: "Nah, come, you can sit with us of course. Just keep some space for (Y/N), that's all."

Pyrrha: "He's not with you guys now? How long will it take for him to come you think?"

Ian: "He's just taking a shower, relax. He'll be with us in a not too long time probably. Why do you ask again?"

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