Chapter 18: The Weekend Party Part 2

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I saw down and grabbed my controller and focussed as the randomizer picked the first minigame: dodging all objects coming towards you for a minute. Person who would get hit the least won. Over the time, there would come more and larger objects, which also would get faster and faster. I got hit quite a few times, but in the end, I won, with a 7-9 score, making me earn a spot in the next round. After me, Simon played against Nora, which was probably the most intense match ever seen by any person who ever set foot on Remnant.

The minigame was something with sled racing: whoever finished first won. Simon was screaming in rage every time he took a turn and Nora was jumping up and down screaming aswell. Everyone, including me, was just looking dumbfounded at this violent scene. In the end, it was a draw, a literal fotofinish. Simon threw his controller at Nora and the two started fighting. I leaned towards Pyrrha, was standing next to me and whispered something to her.

(Y/N): "*whispering* I think we should give them both a new opponent, this clearly was a mistake."

Pyrrha: "*whispering* Yeah, we should re-roll the other matches. Do you think we should intervene?"

As she said this, Nora was sitting on top of Simon, punching him in the chest. But Simon quickly rolled over and pushed her off.

(Y/N): "*whispering* I think we should, before they start wrecking the whole dorm."

Me and Pyrrha tried to pull them away from each other and eventually, we managed to do so, but only after Ren started helping Pyrrha with Nora and Ian helped me with Simon.

Simon: "Let go of me, she cheated!"

Nora: "Oh yeah, how should I have cheated then?!"

Pyrrha: "Quiet you two, stop it. You're getting new opponents."

Simon: "Good, I'll get someone who won't cheat."

Nora: "What did you say?!"

(Y/N): "Calm down, it's only a game and you two shouldn't make such a big deal out of it. What are you, toddlers? You're getting new opponents, now shake each other's hand and call it a draw for now."

They hesitantly did what I told them to and then walked away.

Ian: "Well, that was a good follow-up to your match."

(Y/N): "Yep, definitely. Honestly, I don't get why they make such a big deal out of it."

Ian: "Doesn't matter now does it? We've solved it and if they ever face each other again, it'll be better surely, or we'll disqualify them."

I chuckled at Ian's comments, he always knows how to turn a bad situation into a better one. And it always seems so natural and easy when he does it. I'm lucky to have him as my brother.

So, the tournament was re-rolled further and now Ian played versus Nora and Simon was up versus Yang, meaning that Mike still had the same opponent: Ruby. And remaining were Pyrrha vs Weiss and Jaune vs Blake. After these matches, everyone who won would play each other once. Person with most wins won. And no, it indeed wasn't a trophy you'd win, get rekt Simon.

During the other matches, I just chatted a bit with the others. Jaune was still trying to try and get himself a date with Weiss. So I decided to help him a hand in an easy way to find out if he had a chance: I 'accidentally' pushed over Weiss and Jaune caught her. Both of them slightly blushing, before the obvious happened: Weiss getting angry at me.

Weiss: "You dolt! Watch out where you're going!"

(Y/N): "Sorry, I'm terribly sorry, I don't know what happened."

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