Chapter 22: Talking Helps

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We sat down under the tree and to be honest, I was expecting her to ask some weird question that I didn't see coming. But when she asked me what I assume she wanted to ask me, after a minute of silence, I actually felt that question was a reasonable one.

Pyrrha: "Hey, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Pyrrha: "What was that all about during breakfast after the party?"

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Pyrrha: "Oh come on, don't act stupid, I saw it."

(Y/N): "Saw what? I seriously don't get what you're on about."

Pyrrha: "When Ruby asked if our teams could all hang out together that day, you said something about an assignment that didn't exist and then looked at Jaune hoping he'd cover it up for you. What was that all about?"

(Y/N): "Oh that... Nothing important really, don't worry about it."

Pyrrha: "If it was nothing important you wouldn't have acted that way... Listen, if something is wrong, you can talk to me about it. I told you so before, me and my team will be there for you if need any of us."

(Y/N): "*sigh* Well, ok, but can you promise me something?"

Pyrrha: "Sure, what is it?"

(Y/N): "To not tell anyone about it? I'm not comfortable talking about it to be honest..."

Pyrrha: "That's ok, I'll promise you that. Can you tell me now?"

(Y/N): "Ok then... You know how Ruby and Yang grew up together, the whole family thing, right?"

Pyrrha: "Yes, I think they told me that sometime. And if not, Yang sometimes basically screams Ruby is her little sister when she's hugging her, so yeah, I'd know it anyway if I was even in a 50 mile radius of them."

(Y/N): "*chuckle* Yeah, I guess that's true... Well, I used to be part of that you know?"

Pyrrha: "Wait, they're your family?"

(Y/N): "Used to be... I was adopted by their parents, Tai and Summer once..."

Pyrrha: "So, they're not your biological family?"

(Y/N): "Nope, not in the slightest."

Pyrrha: "But why don't you spend more time with them then? I'd say growing up around them creates a bond of some sorts at least."

(Y/N): "Well, it would've, but I didn't spend my entire childhood with them you know..."

Pyrrha: "That makes even less sense to me then... Why avoid them if you possibly haven't seen them for years?"

(Y/N): "That's the point, I want to avoid them. I don't want to be near them."

Pyrrha: "I'm starting to think I was right about this... Why don't you want to be near them?"

(Y/N): "Just something that happened in the past."

Pyrrha then grabbed my hand with hers, which shocked me a bit and I probably had a bit of a blush aswell. She looked at me and smiled as if to say everything would be alright.

Pyrrha: "Hey, what did I tell you? I'm here for you, I already promised you I won't tell anyone if you don't like me to tell anyone."

I looked at her and it was clear she was serious about it all. And since she doesn't seem like someone who would break her promises, I decided to tell her.

(Y/N): "Alright then... They used to beat me senseless if I didn't do everything they asked me to do... I probably broke my ribs more often when I was with them, than the average huntsman or huntress will do in their whole career. Ruby and Yang participated in that... I ran away from that house when I was 8 or so, on Ruby's birthday... She slashed my whole leg open with some scythe they gave her as a present in the afternoon of that day. After running away, I was adopted by Ian's family. They actually care about me. They're like the family I never had at the Rose Xiao Longs... After that, I did see Ruby and Yang at Signal, but I ignored them and they didn't talk to me most of the time, which is good."

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