Chapter 23: The Problem With Division

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Ian: 'What the...'

I walked closer up to the figures and even up close they were a blur. Then, the face of one of them seemed to melt away slowly, it was a horrible sight. One of the others started shaking me.

???: "It's time to wake up, Ian."

Ian: "No, I don't want to, this could be important."

???: "You have to though."

Then, one of the others slapped me right across the face and I woke up.

Simon: "See, I told you: sometimes all someone needs to wake up happily is a slap right across the face. Good morning Ian!"

I groaned and looked at Mike, Simon and (Y/N) standing all around my bed, looking at me half expectantly.

Mike: "Not everyone kicks on violence and getting hurt like you do, Simon. I don't care if you actually do or not, but I doubt Ian got very happy because of that."

(Y/N): "We decided to wake you up anyway, it's another school day. No matter how much we'd like to keep you sleeping or how important it is to you, we need to hurry a bit, or we'll be too late and get in trouble."

Ian: "... Shit."

Simon: "Exactly my words!"

Mike: "Shut up. Now, if you get dressed quickly, we will be able to still get you a proper breakfast. We already sort of decided we'd want to go train this afternoon, but you're still or team leader, so if you think something else would be better to do with our time then, or just in general, feel free to say so. You're the boss."

Ian: "Heh, I feel like Bruce Springsteen now."

It seemed my joke was only deemed funny by (Y/N), who was grinning a bit, while Mike and Simon just gave me confused looks.

Ian: "I'll explain some other time, let's hurry now for that breakfast and we can discuss our plans for the afternoon."

(Y/N): "Good idea, let's do that."

While I got dressed and freshened my face up a bit (I swear, I look horrible sometimes after a night of sleep), the others already hurried towards the canteen, probably hoping to get us a table to sit at and maybe already pick up some food for me. After I was done, I quickly exited the dorm, locked the door and ran towards the canteen. I probably shouldn't have hurried so much, as I bumped right into someone who also seemed to be in a hurry.

???: "Watch out where you're going next time, maybe, it's a good idea if you're running in a hallway."

Ian: "I could say the same to you, asshole."

While hurriedly continuing my way to the canteen, I realised that I indeed bumped into Yang, which was confirmed when I looked over my shoulder and saw her running further in the opposite direction where I was going.

Ian: '(Y/N) was more right then I thought, she indeed is a total idiot. I also imagined bumping into a girl in a hallway when at some school to be more romantic cliché stuff, guess I also got fooled there. Not that I mind though, wouldn't even want to get romantic with her.'


Coming into the canteen, a lot of hopes were quickly shot down with just one simple look: no empty tables left. Dammit. That sucks. Luckily, rescue came from an unexpected corner when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Pyrrha: "Looking for somewhere to sit?"

(Y/N): "Actually, we do, we all kinda overslept a bit, Ian is probably only half awake still."

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