Chapter 27: Nice While It Lasted

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After a while, Pyrrha returned with an orange blanket. Nothing was on it, just pure orange coloured. She the motioned for me to follow me, but I was still a bit sunken away in my thoughts from the slight disbelief I had gotten from the current situation.

Pyrrha: "Ehm... Are you coming or not? It's fine if you don't want to, I'll ju-"

(Y/N): "No, sorry, I'm coming, just was thinking about something."

Pyrrha: "Oh? What was it?"

(Y/N): "Nothing important really, you don't have to worry about it."

Pyrrha then suddenly stopped walking as we were about halfway to our destination.

Pyrrha: "You know you can tell me right? I told you I care about you before and the last time you said that it wasn't important you ended up telling me you were abused by Ruby and Yang when you were younger. So please, if something's the matter, you can tell me you know."

(Y/N): "Thanks, I highly appreciate that, but I can assure you it's nothing as serious or severe as that. It'll come eventually maybe."

Pyrrha: "Oh ok."

It was only now I noticed how Pyrrha was blushing slightly. Last time it may have possibly been her hair, but definitely not now. This was a clear blush.

(Y/N): 'Guess I'm not as dense as I and others sometimes think I am.'

I wanted to ask her about it, but then decided to not to. Maybe it was just like my thoughts the other moment, something to keep to yourself. Just then, I noticed we'd reached the bench she was talking about. We both sat down and Pyrrha wrapped the blanket around us. It wasn't very big though, causing us to be pretty close to each other. Maybe a little too close I thought to myself when I felt Pyrrha put her head on my shoulder. I mean, I don't mind it, but this wasn't what I was expecting when she suggested this.

Pyrrha POV

I saw (Y/N) staring in front of him, out of the window and noticed a blush creep onto his face when I put my head on his shoulder. He just was someone I couldn't help but feel comfortable around, maybe even a little more than normally with people I know and am friends with. But seeing him all like this basically confirmed the little play we put up yesterday to that one transfer student girl for half of it. What was her name again? Octavia? Whatever, it doesn't matter now, I just couldn't help myself there. I felt a little jealous when I saw her trying to make a move on (Y/N) and seeing him all uncomfortable. We pretended to date then, but maybe he does after all like me back?


It was a little uncomfortable, this silence that had suddenly hit the moment both of us had sat down. So, me being me, I tried to make some conversation in one of the most awkward ways possible.

(Y/N): "Quite the storm tonight, right?"

Pyrrha: "Worst I've seen in my life probably. Good thing for those transfer students they already arrived here, if the forecast was still on the normal schedule their bullheads could've crashed because of this."

(Y/N): "I guess so..."

Pyrrha: "Hey, um, speaking of transfer students... Do you like that Octavia girl from yesterday?"

(Y/N): "... What?"

Pyrrha: "You know what I mean, (Y/N), don't play stupid, you're too smart for that. She was trying to make a move on you, but did you feel the same way about her as she probably did about you?"

(Y/N): "No, not really to be honest. Also, who tries to date some guy they literally met 10 minutes ago? Love doesn't work like that as far as I know."

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