Chapter 24: The Way It Is And Was

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And so, I was in a team with Mike and my two asshole former 'sisters' for the other fight. Amazing, just great. Why do I always end up with them?

Ruby: "YAAAAAAY! Family team!"

She hugged Yang and the both of them tried to pull me in, but I stepped away before they could grab me, making the total hug reject count 2 already. A decent score, given the total amount of attempts also was 2, if I may say so.

Yang POV

Me and Ruby seemed to have had the same idea the exact second (Y/N) was made the final member of our team by Simon. Well, made is a strong word since it was randomized, but now that didn't matter much: (Y/N) was on our team!

Yang: 'So if me and Ruby could help him well enough, maybe save him from being knocked out of the match, he could see that we care about him and he'd come back to our family again! It's as simple as that, just wait for someone to strike his back and stop that person from doing so: piece of cake.'


Ruby looked a little sad with the failed attempt at a hug and then tried to do something else. A high five, as if I'd prefer that over physical contact. Well, I would actually, but I still had the chance to skip this form of interaction, so I decided to do so.

Ruby: "But... but..."

(Y/N): "Fuck off."

Yang seemed angered by this statement and I think she was doing her best to not punch me. Typical Yang, aggression to the front side if there is even the closest reason for it, even if it's a bad one.


And then, after everyone's aura had healed them enough again, the second fight started. Surprisingly enough, the first one to go down was Simon. Mike had been able to first deliver quite the damage and then Simon's temper got the best of him, resulting in some reckless actions.

Mike also went down pretty quickly. Guess he's not too good 1v1 against Blake, since they basically stayed around each other all battle, or well, as long as Mike actually was in.

One of the more interesting moments in battle was certainly when Weiss tried to attack me when I had my back turned, trying to reflect some attacks from Ian. Bit of a low move actually, now I think of it a little more, but well, I guess she just was doing what she felt was right.


Yang POV

I saw (Y/N) doing quite well in battling actually. He really did grow a lot stronger since he left us...

Yang: 'No, don't think about bad times Yang, focus on something else.'

I was currently trying my best to, together with Ruby, deflect as many hits as we could, while trying to also land some hits on our opponents. I have to admit, fighting with Blake and Weiss was probably something everyone would prefer over fighting against them and that Ian guy also was one to quite give us a challenge. I guess (Y/N) is lucky with him as a brother, he seems nice and also a good example. I wonder if his parents are hunters aswell.

Just then, I noticed Weiss trying to attack (Y/N) in the back. What a low move, but this would be my ultimate chance to show that we can be there for him. I got closer to him and blocked Weiss' attack.

Yang: "Thank me later."

(Y/N): "No, I don't think I will."

__Flashback end__

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