Chapter 17: The Weekend Party Part 1

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I looked over to see the rest of my team still awake. I mean, getting some rest by sleeping longer in the morning is ok, but if we weren't going to go to the shop soon, it will be getting very and I mean very crowded there. I've been there once with Ian and mom and let's just say the lines for the cash registers were absurdly long. So it was time for them to wake up by now. But how was I gonna do that... I then got an idea...

(Y/N): 'Just wait and see, enjoy the 10 seconds of sleep you'll still be getting for now.'

I plugged my guitar into the amplifier and played one really loud chord causing everyone to shoot up from their sleep.

Mike: "What, where, who, how, what the fuck?"

Simon: "Is there a Grimm invasion coming?"

(Y/N): "Nope, but it's time to wake up, rise and shine, before the shop will be raided by other teams. Remember that the fridge got emptied yesterday by some brute."

It was at this moment everyone took an angry glance at whoever they though plundered the fridge.

Simon: "Did you really wake me up so we could go grocery shopping? What is wrong with you? You psychopath!"

Ian: "You know (Y/N), for once I think Simon might have a point. But we're already awake, so let's hurry and enter Vale for the grocery shopping!"

I heard Mike and Simon groan in protest and sort of agony, but there was nothing they could do about it. It was then, I remembered Pyrrha's message about the party.

(Y/N): "Oh and by the way, we got invited to a party."

Ian: "A party? By who? Of who? For what? When? Where?"

(Y/N): "Slow down, slow down, I'll answer all those questions. Yes. We got invited by Pyrrha. The party is being thrown by team JNPR. It's to celebrate the first week being over. It's tonight. And it's being held in team JNPR's dorm, as we could've expected. Pyrrha asked if we were going to be there."

Mike: "Sounds nice, do you have an exact time we are ought to be there yet?"

(Y/N): "No, but I will ask her that. Can I say we'll all be there."

Mike: "Yep."

Ian: "Surely."

Simon: "Yeeeeeeesh jouhahiu."

We all looked weirdly at another one of Simon's newly invented words, but decided to not question it as this kinda stuff would happen more than once, even in one day. I'd say that if we would count every word that Simon made up since he could talk, we would have enough to create a whole new separate language: Simonese. Or Simonish. There's not an official name for it yet.

Anyway, as the others got out of their beds and went on to do their morning routines of showering, brushing their teeth, putting on some clothes and whatever else, I got my scroll and typed a reply to Pyrrha.

(Y/N): 'Sounds cool, we'll be there. What time does it start?'

Since she and the others of her team were probably busy with other things for now and I didn't expect her to react immediately, I turned my scroll off again and decided that we were gonna go grocery shopping first. Better get ourselves something to eat further.


After returning from doing grocery shopping and just taking a walk around Vale, we unlocked the door of our dorm and entered. Now, it was time for one of the most annoying parts of the grocery shopping process: putting everything you bought in the place where it's supposed to be. Especially when you're just new at some place you're living, like us in the dorm now, it's hard to organise.

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