Chapter 11: First Day, First Big Discovery

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When I woke up, all my teammates were already awake. I looked around and saw Ian even already was in his uniform, sitting across from me. Mike also was there, only Simon wasn't in sight.

Ian: "Good morning sleeping beauty. How were those hundred years?"

It was clear that he was joking here. Nowhere to be seen was any hostility. I was expecting Simon to say such a thing, but as I heard terrible singing in the bathroom and water from the shower, it was explained why I didn't see him right now.

(Y/N): "Good morning guys. Who allowed Simon to sing?"

Mike: "No one, that's the point. I really hope he won't be doing that in public since I can't stand both the music he likes and his singing."

The three of us chuckled at this, before getting dressed, freshening up with a shower... You know, what you'd expect and should do when you want to look good on a first school day. But we still hadn't eaten anything, so it was time for breakfast. We walked to the canteen and surprisingly, there were still empty tables. Seeing it slowly getting more crowded lead to me getting a bit of a rushed feeling, so we could actually get a table still.

I just picked up what the others got and we sat down quickly. We officially had succeeded in getting ourselves a table on the first day. Simon came up with the idea of carving our names and team name into the table, to let others know this was in fact our table, but, like many of his ideas, it was stupid and just asking for trouble. So, that didn't happen.

Then, it was time for the first class. Professor Port if I remembered correctly. It turned out, I did remember correctly. But as we walked in, no one was there.

Mike: "Ehm, excuse me professor, we are supposed to be here now, right?"

Prof. Port: "Depends, are you first years?"

Mike: "Yes, we are."

Prof. Port: "Then you're just here early. Well, good for you, you can sit wherever you want. Except for the floor, the walls and the ceiling, that's probably not comfortable."

We all felt that last part was unnecessary. All except for Simon, who started laughing a little too hard, which resulted in getting a confused look from Mike.

Simon: "Good one professor, good one."

Once we had sat down and waited a few minutes, which we spend by chatting a bit, other students came in slowly. We had found ourselves a place in the middle, so we had a good view of whatever was going to happen, interesting or not. The seats in front of us stayed empty, but behind us, a team we didn't know went sitting down. We didn't know their names, all we discovered was that they were annoying. We decided to let this rest for a bit, since class hadn't even officially begun yet.

Prof. Port then started talking. It was pretty boring, some long story about him just explaining how important being a hunter or huntress could be, how dangerous it was, but also how lucky we were to have him as our teacher, which showed what kind of person we were dealing with. I noticed there was still place for two teams and also that certain people weren't actually there. Just then, the door flew open with such roughness, it was surprising it didn't fly throughout the classroom and then through the wall opposite of it.

Ruby: "Sorry we're late professor!"

Simon: "And with this, we shall end the suspense: having not finished within the time standard, teams RWBY and JNPR have failed to qualify for the big racing tournament! Such a shame!"

Weiss: "Shut up you dolt!"

???: "Nice one shitface!"

Simon received a slap in the neck from one of the annoying guys behind us, which resulted in Simon slapping him back across the face and a fight almost erupting.

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