Chapter 32: Victory Again

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Me and Simon walked onto the field of the arena, ready for our fight in the duos round. We were up against Rusell and Sky, but didn't really knew if they were going to be really tough opponents or not. We just knew that if this fight was going to be like the one our team had versus team SSSN, we could be able to handle it and win. But I didn't want to win just for myself. I looked to my left and spotted them sitting there on the stands: my parents and Ian. I was happy they were here today now, I had missed my parents after not seeing them for so long and it was a shame they weren't able to be there yesterday as me and Ian then were in combat side by side as brothers and today I was here on my own. Well, not really, Simon was there, but you get the point.

(Y/N): 'I'll try to make you proud, just wait and see...'

As I looked at them, they seemed to notice me looking at them and they waved at me. I waved back of course, before returning my attention back to what could decide about half the battle: what biomes we were going to get. For this round, the duos one, we would get 4 biomes and in previous fights I even saw a few dust crystals spawn with them, so that could be nice. I really was hoping for some lightning dust, it can be pretty nice with my axe now. And then, we got the answer to the main question of what these 4 biomes would be: Mountains, Ocean, Cyber and Geyser.

Simon: "*whispering* Cyber? What kind of name is that for a biome? That's no fucking name for a biome I'll tell you, that's just retarded."

(Y/N): "*whispering* Sounds like laziness to me aswell."

We then walked over to Rusell and Sky, to wish them good luck with the match, as the true fair players we obviously were.

(Y/N): "Good luck, may the best win today."

Simon: "Are you two afraid of water by any chance?"

Sky: "... What?"

Simon: "Nevermind, it's a good joke, doesn't seem like you two have the required man of culture score for that."

Rusell: "Now you're going to get it."

Simon: "So you really planned on letting us win today?"

Sky: "Oh fuck off idiot."

They walked away again, each of the two duos setting their mind on a strategy already. The cyber area could possibly contain something of that lightning dust I was hoping for. I looked at Simon and he seemed to get the idea I had: both bolting off to one of the two biomes we were closest to from here, splitting up and then closing them in like scissors. Good strategy if you'd ask me, we had already decided on it while waiting for our match to start. And then, the signal came for us to start: I went to the left, going for the cyber biome while Simon went off to the geyser one. Sky and Rusell first dashed forward, but saw us split up and decided to together follow Simon for some reason. I ran into the cyber biome and looked around, before picking up two lightning crystals.

(Y/N): 'I'm going to have some fun with you two... Let's wait to see the surprise of everyone when they find out my weapon can also use dust when it's in the axe modes, not just the gun mode.'

Simon POV

As (Y/N) took off for the cyber biome, I ran into the geyser one and soon was followed by Idiots United, AKA Sky and Rusell. It's not Ozpin put them in a team with Cardin and Dove, all the morons of Beacon together in one team. You know exactly what to expect that way and it's not really too surprising these two idiots are now trying to double team on me during a duos fight, although it kind of is a new level for them. They were probably expecting me to go full into fighting the two of them now, but I had other plans, especially now we're in the geyser biome. And it was time, to execute one of those plans. I increased me speed, ran to a geyser and stopped suddenly. I sat down next to one of the geysers and basically could see the confusion on their faces.

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