Chapter 13: Reasons Matter

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It's been two days since that Diablo dude guessed my former last name and nothing has happened, so I guess he was right. It indeed doesn't matter now. I didn't tell anyone about it since then either, feeling like it wasn't very important.

Classes and school went by pretty normal mostly, little boring. I haven't played guitar since the day before the initiation, because I figured the weekend would be a better time for such things.

We didn't hang out with team RWBY again, as none of us felt it was fun enough for a repeat for now. Except Simon of course, but that's only because he got to see Weiss angry with a moustache drawn on her face. Exactly what you'd expect from him I guess. We did hang out with team JNPR though, which was more fun than I expected and I think I got some good friends in them now.

It was now lunchtime and we were sitting at the same table as team JNPR, just chatting and having some fun, while eating the probably less bad than I think of it food. I mean, it's canteen food, I'm sure it's ok for the standards of canteen food, but I think it sometimes just tastes a little like crap. I wish my mom was here, she knows how to make proper food. Next weekend, my team and me are planning on going to Vale. I've never really been into the city centre of it before, but Simon and Mike promised to show me and Ian around, so how bad can it be?

Jaune: "So (Y/N), I guess you and your team are also going to Vale this weekend?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I don't get the chance for it on normal week and schooldays, so why not?"

Jaune: "Solid point, sometimes the teachers seem to think it's fun to bury us under our homework. I mean, just realise tha-"

???: "O-ow, that hurts!"

I looked past Jaune and saw a girl with bunny ears being picked on by team CRDL, kinda the thing you'd expect from them now. I assume the girl is a faunus, because I don't know any people who would walk around with bunny ears for fun to be honest.

Cardin: "See, I told you they were real."

I heard the others mumble something about the girl being a freak, which angered me a bit. I walked over to them and decided to start it off calmly.

(Y/N): "What seems to be the problem, gentlemen?"

Cardin: "Hi (Y/N), we found a freak, wouldn't you agree?"

(Y/N): "Not really, there's far worse people in here, although I won't say any names because they'll punch me."

Cardin: "Really? Such as who?"

(Y/N): "Well, you to name one."

I could see him getting angry at this statement and heard him cracking his knuckles.

Cardin: "Someone's asking for trouble and a punch indeed."

(Y/N): "Aaalrighty then."

Cardin punched me, or actually I should say, tried to punch me, since I caught it and pushed him back. Before he could charge at me again, professor Goodwitch walked up to us.

Prof. Goodwitch: "What is going on here?!"

Cardin: "Nothing, professor, all is fine, I was just catching up with my two friends, Velvet and (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Yeah right, I'm not your friend Cardin, neither is the girl here, I can tell that much by the way you act towards her."

Cardin: "Nonsense, don't be ridiculous (Y/N), we're good pals, admit it."

(Y/N): "No we're not, go implode into your own ass."

Prof. Goodwitch: "Mr. (L/N), language! Mr. Winchester, detention for a week."

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