Chapter 3: The Demons Are Close

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I had been running for i don't know how long through the woods, as fast as the little flesh and muscles left on my bones could handle. I looked around and slowed down my pace to walking. It was now completely dark and I didn't have much light, except the little the moon and stars could provide through the roof of leaves on the trees.

(Y/N): 'I should go to sleep and rest a bit. Tomorrow I could get much further than now in the night.'

I tried to climb up a tree, so in case some beowolves came around they wouldn't be able to reach me. Once I had reached the top of the tree, I put my knapsack under my head as a pillow. Tommorow was gonna be a long day...

Qrow POV

I was flying over the forest to see if I could see (Y/N) somewhere, but no luck so far. I flew back a bit and saw Tai walking with Zwei, who seemed to have found something. I landed next to them and transformed back into a human.

Qrow: "Anything yet?"

Tai: "WTF Qrow stop scaring me like that, it's dark remember? I can't see you coming. And yes, I saw a bloodtrail and Zwei seems to be able to follow the scent still."

Qrow: "Oh ok, I'll just walk along with you then, I haven't been able to see him anywhere. Maybe he's already long gone though? We've been away for a few hours and you don't know how long he has been in here."

I tried to talk Tai out of the idea of looking for (Y/N). It was late and I wanted to sleep. And maybe drink some more. Also, Tai was just being paranoid. (Y/N) is a kid of like 8 years old, like he'd go somewhere to get us arrested.

Tai: "No, we need to find him, I can't risk him telling people about how he lived with us."

I decided to stop him there and called Zwei back for a minute aswell. This was just getting stupid now.

Qrow: "Listen dude, it's an 8-year old kid we're talking about. He won't go to authorities to report you, he'd be way to scared. Be real and go home to Summer and the girls, they're worried."

Tai: "Fine, I'll go back... But only if he manages to pass the river."

I sighed in my mind but decided to let this compromise stand as it was better than letting him run around here obsessed. I saw Tai instruct Zwei to go follow the scent he found again.

__Epic timeskip to 3 hours later__


I doubt I slept long, but I heard footstepts. I decided to just stay still and hope they'd pass. But then I heard a dog bark.

(Y/N): 'Wait... That could be Zwei... Which means they came after me... But how..?'

I then looked at my leg and saw the wound went open again before forming a new scab.

(Y/N): 'Well shit, I should make my get away while I still can. Zwei would catch my smell soon enough otherwise and then I'm going to get killed by them surely.'

I took my knapsack and tried to get out of the tree as silently as I could, before making a run for it. There were some leaves on the ground from an early autumn I assume, which caused my footsteps to be heard, but I didn't care. I needed to get out now. And quick.


Tai: 'Heheheh, soon I'll catch that little fucker and he'll come back with us. No telling authorities for him and then we he gets home... Just wait and see little shit.'

Zwei suddenly stopped at a tree and started barking. I assume he went up there to hide or maybe get some rest. Whatever the reason was for him to go up there, it doesn't matter now, we'll get him out of there.

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