Chapter 36: Chaos

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I sighed and walked over to Yang and Blake. I really don't want to do this, but I don't have much of a choice. I may hate Yang a lot, I can't let her die. I'd be as bad as she was back then. I tried to remain as silent as I could, wanting to keep a surprise effect to this. The figure basically chopped off Yang's arm. And then, I had enough. I rushed forward and blocked his next strike.

???: "What the..."

(Y/N): "Wow, can you even see with that thing over your eyes? It must be terrible."

???: "Humans, always the same! I got this from your kind!"

He tried to hit me, but I blocked his attack again and smiled. He only seemed to be more angered by this and I can't really blame him. I don't know what he went through, so who am I to judge?

(Y/N): "Well welcome to the abused people squad then my friend."

???: "I'm not your friend you filthy human!"

(Y/N): "That's not fair, if I call you such names it'd be discrimination but when it's the other way around it's allowed and funny. You damn hypocrite."

The fight kept going on like this. Blake was taking care of Yang's arm, or more what's left of it. I have to admit, this guy is a good fighter, but if we keep going like this, it'll be a draw until we both die because we haven't had any food or water. I decided to use my semblance halfway through an attack and the guy got blasted into a wall. Come to think of it, I don't even know his name. I walked towards him and took his weapon. He made an annoyed noises and I smiled while sitting down beside him.

(Y/N): "So, what's your name my man?"

???: "Adam. Adam Taurus."

(Y/N): "I take it you're one of those jolly White Fang chaps."

Adam: "In fact I am their leader."

(Y/N): "Oh yikes, that makes what I wanted to say a little painful now. Sorry in advance if I'll say it anyway."

Adam: "Just say it and kill me."

(Y/N): "You guys have some serious bad management. Now, here's what we'll do. You're going to be taken away by the medics when they find you and until then you'll be here."

Adam: "And you think I'll stay here and won't attack you in the back because?"

(Y/N): "You seem decent enough for that. After all, I don't expect you to have the energy for it after that blast."

I walked away back to Blake and Yang, who had picked a bit of a more silent and quiet spot for checking up on the damage. Seriously, where are those damn medics when you need them? I looked around before walking into the closest classroom I could find and picked up a first aid kit. I'm going to look stupid for using that on someone who lost half their arm, but it's the best I can do for now.

(Y/N): 'I can't believe I'm seriously doing this...'

I sat down next to Yang and applied some bandages onto the found, hoping it would just stop bleeding. It wasn't looking too good right now. I took my scroll and called Ian.

Ian: "Hey (Y/N), what's up?"

(Y/N): "Get someone with medical knowledge or something down here, shit's not looking good right now."

Ian: "What happened?"

Ian sounded very concerned now, but the more interesting thing to hear were the other footsteps in the background.

(Y/N): "Some dude chopped half an arm off, Yang's losing a lot of blood this way. Anyone with you there? I can hear the footsteps."

Ian: "I got Weiss, Jaune and Nora here with me, found them on the way after another group of White Fang members showed up. It's really like they're packed in cans and they just keep throwing them at us? How much members do they even have?"

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