Chapter 10: Initiations Cause Quite Some Trouble

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I woke up and saw Ian awake already. He seemed to be looking for something or someone.

(Y/N): "Good morning Ian, what are you looking for. Or is a who?"

I smirked a bit and saw Ian giving me a confused face.

Ian: "No, what do you mean who- oh wait, fuck you man, nothing like that. I smelled pancakes the other moment, but I can't seem to find the source."

(Y/N): "Ian and the mystery of the pancake smell."

I started laughing as Ian gave me a slightly angry look.

Ian: "Look dude, this is a serious problem. I could get some of those for breakfast."

(Y/N): "Relax, I brought some breakfast for us myself, I'm not entirely stupid."

I looked through my bag and showed him a small plastic box, which was, coincidentally, filled with pancakes.

Ian: "So you were that smell of pancakes?"

(Y/N): "Unless you can smell through a closed box and a closed bag, nope."

I gave Ian and me the same amount of pancakes, in a way that we shared them all evenly. What we didn't expect though, was a girl running towards us at high speed because of these pancakes.

???: "Oooooh, pancakes, can I have some? Pleaaaase?"

Ian: "Eh, no, these are mine."

???: "Pleaaase?"

Ian: "No."

???2: "Nora, where are you?"

???: "I'm here, I found more pancakes."

Ian: "And you're getting none of them, they're mine."

I was just watching the whole show, laughing a bit. Seeing Ian try to defend his pancakes against some random girl surely is the most hilarious thing that happened in a while. Of course, we had the Schnee girl explosion yesterday, but this was on a whole new level. But it seemed like I was the only one enjoying it.

???2: "Nora, leave that guy alone, you already had pancakes."

Nora: "But I'm still hungry and he has some!"

Ian: "With some extra attention on the he has part, because they're mine and you're getting none of them."

???2: "I apologize for her behaviour, she's always like this when she sees pancakes. I'm Ren and this is Nora."

Ian: "He's (Y/N) (L/N), I'm his brother Ian and these are MY pancakes."

I started laughing again, I never knew Ian could be so defensive towards his food. Well, they are my mom's pancakes after all, that's something worth defending. I decided to give the Nora girl one, because I felt kinda bad for her.

(Y/N): "Here Nora, you can have one from me if you'd like."


I then saw something that likely would've been the next world wonder. A whole pancake getting eaten within a few seconds by a girl.

(Y/N): "*whispering* Hey, Ren, how in the world is that possible?"

Ren: "I have no idea, she's always been like that."

I looked at Ian and saw him staring at Nora, mouth open, in both confusion and a weird sort of awe.

Ian: "Wait... How... The fuck... Did that girl... Just eat a whole pancake... That fast...?"

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