1 // jimin 🍯

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"finally moved in!"

jimin loudly dropped his suitcases and belongings on the wooden floors in his new bedroom, and propped himself on one of the boxes. after months of planning, stressing, and negotiating, he had finally gotten to move into a new apartment, right across from his best friend namjoon. in his old one, he could hear his neighbours 5 floors above him throwing parties. every single fricking night. after an infinity of noise complaints that were ignored, he had enough.

i actually moved away from that hellhole. i am actually free!

the thought of unpacking all his stuff however, quickly killed the buzz. he thought of how long it would take to put away every one of his belongings, and repressed a sigh, after that he'd still be free forever.

jimin groaned as he stood up, stretched his arms, cracked his knuckles, and got to work. he began with putting each box into the room matching its labels, and did each room at a time. by the end of 3 hours, he had (for the majority) placed everything down.


Its was about 11 pm by then, and jimin remembered that the moving truck with the big furniture wasnt arriving until thursday. it was only monday. shoot.

"I guess my gazillion blankets (7, he's just a dramatic daniel smh) will come in handy."

the newly-moved cautiously cuddled one of his blankets, and used the others as a mattress. he slowly started to dozed off, promising to himself that he'd do the rest of his boxes the next day. he was opening the beautiful, angelic gates to dreamland, when he heard something. it was a quiet noise but it almost sounds like little ... cries, sobs?

Why would someone be crying now, it's almost midnight. Its probably just the building settling, my imagination is overactive.

but deep down he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was crying. he had to ignore the sound though, it was none of his fricking buisness after all.

he wouldn't like if a complete stranger came to his apartment and told him he was concerned that he was sobbing. or would he? the boy was in a mental battle with himself. he didnt know what to do.

knock, don't, check up, ignore.

then he heard the sobs get louder, he could even hear the neighbour choking over his tears, but suddenly the cries stopped. He could hear the faint sounds of water running, then the creak of an apartment door. he was going out? but it's almost midnight, why would he leave now of all times?

jimin being the "curious" soul he was softly slid on his nikes, pulled on a baggy hoodie, and jogged out the apartment while shoving his wallet and phone into the left hoodie pocket. the boy sneaked around the hall towards the elevators, where one was just closing. he immediately pressed the button, and the elevator that had just closed reopened.

jimin toke the chance, and jumped into the elevator.

there he saw a male that was about a centimeter shorter than him, holding a bundle under his sweater with one hand and quickly rubbing at his red, puffy eyes with the other. he then opened his sweater bundle more, mumbled a few words and then looked back down.

when the strange crying boy looked up to fix his hair, he saw jimin who saw staring at him, concern plastered on his face.

"hi I'm your new neighbour? i'm.. well.. sorry for being nosy but,.. why where you crying?"

the shorter froze. then slowly he turned his head a flashed a sorry smile "i'm very sorry to have inter- interrupted your slweep, your sleep I meant, its just my dog, my d-dog is sick and-"

he couldn't finish his sentence without starting to cry a bit.

"and my vet says I have to p-put him down."

"oh well, that's just terrible! do you want a ... hug?"

as soon as jimin opened his arms yoongi turned and buried his head in Jimins chest, shoulder a trembling as he sobbed.

-*ding* level G, first floor-

the crying boy pulled away in a hurry and got out the elevator. jimin followed suite, he needed just one more piece of information.

"thank you again for being so polite sir."

this was his chance!

"it was no problem really! but you calling me sir seems a bit too formal, my names park Jimin, call me jimin!"

"ok, thank you jimin."

the saddened boy turned to leave, and jimin turned back to the elevators in defeat.

"oh! and my name's min yoongi!"


jimin sprinted back to his apartment, then crossed to his friends.

*knock knock knock*

"namjoon namjoon, tell me all you know about the cute boy named min yoongi! every single fricking detail!"

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