7 // Jimin🍯

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its was around 10 am when jimin decided to see sunlight.

"It would be weird for me to just obsess over Yoongi all day, like a staker or something. I'll go for a walk."

Jimin briskly changing into clothes that were decent enough to be seen in (aka a baggy sweatshirt and basketball shorts with black crew socks and nike slides), grabbed his apartment key, stuffed his wallet into the sweatshirt pocket, and left.

As he locked his door, Jimin heard the sound of quick shuffling moving around the apartment.

Wouldn't a ... "friend with benefits" leave after they get some?

Jimins "curious nature" really wanted to see the man who was getting with Yoongi. He wanted to follow him with vigor just like Sherlock (he really did just spend most of his time on Netflix).

So he re-entered his home, and waited for the familiar creak of the door being opened from the insides.

Exactely when Yoongis brother turned the corner, jimin locked his door then got to work. Scooby Doo would have nothing on him.

Jimin tracked the stranger for about 10 minutes with a nervous feeling laying in the back of his mind, what if he couldn't find the way back properly? What if he dropped his key and made a sound? What if the strange noticed he was-

"Hello! You've been following me since we got out the apartment so either you're stalking my brother or just a creep. No offense."

Jimins eyes widened at the thought of being figured out by the very first step, but had to keep up a speed walk to maintain his victim, who hadnt stopped or turned to state the truth. But more importantly, he was Yoongi's ... brother? This wasn't fricken Alabama or 50 shades of gray was it?

"Uh hello sorry hehe, I'm just a very curious person. I was intrigued because I didn't know yoongi had a roommate. Or an ... older? brother."

The taller almost stopped for a while, but even from behind he could see the grin tugging at his face.

"Not roommates, I just check in on him once in a while you know? Anyway, lemme ask you some questions. Since you followed and all haha!"

Jimin pinked a bit, and forced an embarrassed chuckle.

"Umm sure why not?"

"Walk next to me, so we can actually, like, talk properly I guess?"

Jimin sped up to match the elders walking stride, which was very fast as Jimin had to almost jog to keep up.

"First question, is your name Jimin perhaps?"

The older smirked as Jimin questioned how he knew.

"Yoongi talked of you."

Jimins heart did a small dance but it was so powerful. Like his heart was playing dance dance revolution in his rib cage. He blushed and held his heart just a bit, to keep it from well, exploding. Yoongis brother smiled a bit at this action.

"All good things I hope?"

"No yeah, he really thinks you're a cool and nice guy! He wants to make friends with you soon, the fucking boy is so shy though tsk."

Jimin ignored the vulgar wording and instead thought back to the first night they met. Yoongi had been quite the opposite of 'shy'. The boy had pour his emotions so quick, and had only stuttered and tripped over his words in that almost childish voice-

note to self, remember to Google that again.

" Okay jimin, lemme ask something else. Do you like kids?"

Jimins blush reddened as he answered nervously

"umm well yeah, I work with little kids for a living, actually."

"really? what's your job as?"

"I work as a kindergarten TA during the week and sometimes pick up shifts as a kids swimming instructor on the weekends if i'm feeling some extra cash you know?"

"yeah yeah cool I feel you man"

jimin beamed with pride as the older agreed with him. abruptly, yoongis older brother came to a halt.

"wait here kid, I'll be back in 10 tops okay?"

they were at a strange intersection and even if jimin didnt want to wait, he had no idea of how to get back to the apartment complex.

"o-okay? where are you goi-"

before jimin could finish his sentence, the man had ran across the street in a kmart.

jimin decided this was the best time to pull out his phone and use data to try and find out more of what yoongi was about. he was another nosy english major after all.

my friend/

could I consider yoongi my friend? I guess since the feeling of wanting to know each other is mutual

my friend talks and uses child like actions

a big group of results came up, including adults who find it fun to annoy others by using childlike words and stuff.

that doesn't sound like yoongi though...

he kept on scrolling through the search results until he found a certain result.


littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unacheivable in their adolescence.

t-that sounds more like yoongi.

jimin skeptically stared at his phone, then switched on incognito mode - he didn't want the fbi reading this- then started to google.

the first thing he found was bunch of articles on the matter. they said that littles are quite obvious when you know where to look. get close and observe them, play children tv and see if they stare a little too long. buy them happy meals and say you couldn't afford the big mac. treat them like children and they'll respond like children. if you want to continue taking care of them, become a caregiver.

jimin did a bit more research on caregivers and littles, very fascinated.

I need to get closer, we need to move in on something.

he turned off his phone and looked up in time to see yoongi and his brother walking across the street, yoongi with a pink lollipop in his mouth, and red puffy eyes.

"omg what happened to yoongi?"

"he had a rough day is all, you should call an uber home though."

"sure man, I understand."

jimin opened his uber app when the alert tapped his shoulder,

"by the way, I need your number. yoongi needs a roommate! and dont look so tense!"

sugar and honey - yoonmin littlespace 🍯 (incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now