26 // namjoon🧸and jin🦋

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why the fuck is this bitch calling me? i should have blocked his number.

"what do you want namjoon."

"i-i have to tell you something . . . "

jin's voice softened at hearing the youngers voice sound so shaky and fragile, despite his feelings towards the younger.

what happened to him- seokjin, control yourself. he's said terrible things about yoongi.

"spit it out. jeez."

seok could swear he had heard namjoons' breathe hitch on the outside of the line and a small part of himself ached to comfort him.

"im, i do it too jus like- jinnie 'm sowwy."

why is he talking like yoongi does when he-

jin toke a small gasp as realization flooded his system, its was all so obvious now.

the way he looked so withdrawn yet enticed around yoonie when he played.

"i don't feel very good"

how he suddenly had to leave when little yoonie came out

"does he have to act like that around me?"

he was nervous, and he was going to slip. he didn't what me to know he regressed.

seokjin couldn't help but feel terrible.

"i miss you jinnie."

y-you miss joonie too?"

". . . joonie? do you age regress? are you little?"

jin didn't know what he was expecting when those words left his mouth. he definitely was not expecting his ex to begin to sob and choke.

"jinnie i didn't wanna 'm sowwy !!"

"sh sh sh joonie, baby. you don't need to apologize i'm not mad. why didn't you tell me? i was your boyfriend."

"you all weady got yoonie . . . too many."

wish i could be with him right now. i need to comfort him. he needs me.

"joonie, it wouldn't have been too much, it's never too much for you. i'm hanging up to facetime you okay?"

"call back?"

"why wouldn't i?"

namjoon shook his head sadly at the phone remembering the times jin said he would facetime then never pick up his calls.

"you didn't last time . . . "

jin bit his lip as his eyes watered.

i've really been a dick, haven't i?

"joonie. i promise i'll call back, okay?"

" . . . okay, jinnie."


jin sat in hollow silence as his voice shuddered trying to steady his breathing.

'hey, um siri. f-facetime "bitchass ex" please and thanks."

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jin hadn't know how much it would warm his spirit when he saw namjoons' face brighten up realizing that jin hadn't broken his promise.

"j-jinnie !!"

"joonie !! hey, can i ask you some questions?"

the regressed cutely put his face into a slightly perplexed pout.

"like wha?"

"how many fingers are you right now?"

namjoon focused while counting under his breath, grinning as he stated he was currently three years old and holding up his fingers to show.

"'m thrwee !!"

"wow, what a big boy! so, do you have a mommy or daddy?"

namjoons face dropped slightly and his eyes watered just enough for jin to see.

"well, i gotta lotta ryans' and i say he's my daddy but . . . h-he can't make me lunch, or rwead me stowries, o-or cuddle-"

the tears ran down his face as he had to face the realization that calling a stuffed animal his daddy would never end well.

"hey hey, joonie. if you wanted i could take care of you."

please don't cry. if you cry, i'm going to start too. i can't stand you crying joonie.

"rweally !! yess ! so you're my daddy? "

namjoon radiated pure happiness, and for a second it felt like they were back to a few years back. they were just being goofy together, just living happy and free. jin would one hundred and ten percent (110%) be lying if he didn't feel warm having the word daddy be directed to him.

"of course baby, of course !!"

and just for a minute, life had calmed down.


AN: sorry this tole so long and is wayy short, my laptop decided to die. it toke long because i had to write on my phone (its short because its harder to correct certain things).

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