28 // jimin🍯

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i woke up to my head beating around like a monkey banging on pots and pans made from steel, along with the room spinning as if i was stuck on a lifeboat in the middle of a thunderstorm all night, mixed with the feeling of wanting to sleep forever.

oh gosh, i got so drunk yesterday didn't i. shoot, i really shouldn't have done that i still have to turn up at the school today. 

jimin sat up head pounding with a nauseated feeling flooding him and senses, light footsteps being heard in the hallway.

"good morning sunshine, didn't know you could drink so hard, sleep well?"

he could hear the pulsing pain all around him, his world was almost zooming. how was yoongi always awake so early?

"ugh. did i do anything . . .  weird last night?"

yoongi leaned against the white door and tilted his head with mischief as jimin began to slowly get out of bed.

"yep, you got really touchy, and totally puked on my lap when we got home."

jimins eyes mimicked saucers as he averted locking eyes with the older as he stretched and finally stood from the bed.

"hyung i'm-"

"don't think even think of it, you were really cute and i hated than shirt anyhow. now hurry and change, you've got to hurry or kindergarten kids will be starting their own communist society soon."

yoongi smiled once more, then spun on his heel as he closed the door for his boyfriend.

jimin grabbed some lazy sweatpants and a champion sweatshirt to match, running to the bathroom holding these in one hand and his head in the other. 

i feel like total toilet water.

he brushed his teeth and pulled on his pants, leaning his head against the cold mirror in the bathroom wishing to just stay home but also wanting to prove he could teach fully one day. she was back today. he needed to impress.

somehow managing to get through his morning routine, he entered the kitchen to yoongi drinking coffee in his pyjamas, wearing reading glasses as he typed away at his laptop.

"hey, jiminie take this. i used to make my dad hangover cure all the time, this should help your headache."

"thanks!! . . . you used to make your dad?-"

yoongi simply shook his head, eyes not leaving the screen as he drilled at the keyboard.

"it's fine, i won't pry. bye yoon, i love you!!"

the man didn't dare look up from the monitor, but his ears reddened as he muttered those three words back over.

"ᵢ ₗₒᵥₑ ᵧₒᵤ, hey i made you lunch it's in the fridge don't forget it well i didn't really make it today but it's leftovers. hurry, and you could probably grab breakfast at the cafe down the street. go straight the turn left, it's near the bus stop anyhow."

the younger simply chuckled, returning to press a soft cheek kiss to the man, before heading out the hangover cure in hand.

"thanks yoon. i will."

jimin remembered that small i love you when he got to work and saw that the main teacher was already inside.

he simply sipped his bitter cure as she lectured him about tardiness in front of four-year-olds.

he tried to remember the minuscule i love you when the kids wanted "minmin's storytime !!" but were told that the stories he brought were meant for 'slower kids'.

he breathed deeply and wished to be able to remember if i love you had even been real at all by snack time, monitoring him with hawk-like precision, telling him to "just give them all the same things.", and then scolded when he consoled the children who hadn't wanted what he'd given them.

he just smiled and apologized. what else could he do? 

oh god i forced yoongi to say i love you didn't i oh g e e z  i'm manipulating him aren't i he hates me i threw up on his shirt he said it wasn't much but if someone threw up on my shirt would i say it was much no i wouldn't i would say it's fine that could have been his favourite shirt but why would he lie if he doesn't care for me why would he pretend holy shoot he's gonna leave me all i do is make people leave i made my pet cat from high school leave but it was an accident but it still is gone with no home and its all my fault everything is my fault all i do is destroy things oh jee zoh geez oh g osh i-

his thoughts from leaving the center were vicious, from walking to the buses and standing inside them.

the words when he saw the apartment in the distance and got off.

the voices that flew around when he sat on a bench outside for five extra minutes that turned into an hour. 

when he finally realized, it was like two in the afternoon. he jumped up wiping his face and grabbing his phone to see four missed calls and three voicemails. from yoongi.

he toke a shaky breath opening the door into the room from the hallways that seemingly felt like they were moving inwards.

"jimin !! is that you?"

jimin blinked once, maybe twice before getting tackled in a warm embrace.

". . . s-sorry-"

he broke down.

they stood there, door wide open. jimin sobbing into his boyfriend's shoulder as he simply patted his back and whispered to him.

"don't be sorry, i was just worried, awe please don't cry i love you, don't you know that? i love you are you okay?"

and he wasn't one hundred percent. but he was for then, okay. 

in his arms, breathing in synch. 

he felt loved.


this is shitty sorry ive been gone, ive just been kinda depressed and going thru it lmao bon appetit my little fuckers and  hope yall know that i love you all fr, don' be shy say it bacc >:(

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