16 // jimin 🍯

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what the fuck am I doing?

the two sat inside a bright yellow taxi cab, yoongi fiddling with his jacket, jimin alternating from staring at the window to his lap, them both failing at creating conversation.

"so, what do you do for umm . . . work?"

jimin jolted his head up quicker than the flash running circles in his head.

"oh um I w-work as a kindergarten assistant during the school week? a-and sometimes I'll take weekend shifts for kid swimming lessons-"

"that's a shitload of work for one person!"

as soon as the words left his mouth, yoongi knew he fucked up. jin had mentioned over and over that jimin wasnt the biggest fan of profanities.

"can-can you please not use that language Yoongi-hyung? sorry to be a-annoying."

yoongi winced as jimin went back to looking out the windows.

"no no no you're not annoying, I was bad."

". . . you weren't bad, most people curse it was just natural. and thanks. I guess?"

yoongi nodded, awkwardly as ever.

"no probs. . . lem, no problem."

what the fuck happened there yoongi what in the living hell were you trying to pull? there is no way in God's green earth you're going to redeem yourself from this-

jimin laughed.

first it was a quiet giggling, then him trying to shush himself. then him failing and laughing even harder than before. he flung himself on the window and tried his best to push through his case of the funnies. finally, after about three (3) full minutes of laughing yoongi could understand the boy beside him.

"y-youre as awkward *gasp* as me! hecking h-hilarious!"

now it was yoongis turn to die of laughter. the last time he heard someone unironically say 'hecking' was back in the seventh (7th) grade.

I pity the cab driver, sorry mr. driver man.

the two (2) hyenas gasped and giggled for another solid five (5) minutes, ending only when they reached their destination, and had to act normal to tip the driver for putting up with their awkward  moments and loud laughter for a full half hour (thirty / 30 minutes).

not all heroes wear capes.

after a generous tip of ten (10) dollars, yoongi excitedly lead jimin into the bubbling heart of soeul, going place by place to parts of the town he had memorized like the palm of his hand.

"jimin, what do you want to do?"

the youngers eyes widened, his Hyungs kindness once again grasping him by surprise. no one had even been as nice to nice as jin and yoongi have.

"I dont really know, m-maybe bubble tea? sorry thats-"

"that's a great idea jimin! theres a really nice place on seventh (7th) street I havent tried yet, it be great to go with a friend!"

yoongi guided jimin through the grid system, finally ending up at Got Tea!, a popular new milk tea spot.

as the two came closer, yoongi spotted a flaw his brain hadnt factored in. a very pastel flaw. with kumamon right in front!

omg kumi is right there! hes dancing and everything! I wanna hug him! no! stay big! you're in public! behave!

sugar and honey - yoonmin littlespace 🍯 (incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now