20 // yoongi 🌻

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i held namjoons hand as we left to meet our uber driver at the main enterance of the building complex.

at first yoongi wanted to just avoid the most physical contact as possible, not wanting to be small and all, but little namjoon turned out to be quite the scared sammy.

for example, after walking down the hall yoongi pressed the cold elevator shaft button, resulting in namjoon immediately trying to push the steel stairwell door open. after (inevitably) succeeding, he yelled to yoongi happily saying,

"yoonie, steps look here! we dont gotta ride the elvator!"

yoongi was confused, he loved the elevator when he was smaller.

"but this is faster joonie, a-and don't you wanna see the pretty decorations they put up for christmas?"

oh, and maybe little yoongis side had wanted to see the florescent holiday lights managment mounted annually for the colder months.

"no~ we walk! pwease!"

seeing namjoon beg, he was about to sigh and rush down the stairs, no point in arguing. but then two elevators arrived. it was perfect,

we can race! thought yoongi


"c'mon hyung- sorry joonie! c'mon joon! lets race-"

a reaction yoongi had guessed was praise, admiration, and of course a satisfying agreement. but instead the fragile namjoons eyes filled with tears as he began to plead.

"no, n-no pwease gigi! gonna eat us, no no no!"

yoongi snapped his eyes open to the size of dinner plates as his small hyung began to cry silently next to the frosty stairwell entrance.

what did i do? i broke hyung! is he getting smaller?! the whats gonna eat us? why is he crying?! what do i do, im just as irresponsible as he is!! i wish jimin was hear!

"j-joonie calm down, please! we- we can take the stairs, its not a big thing! dont worry!"

but he just kept sobbing. at one point yoongi thought of just canceling the ride and crying next to him until jimin got back to take care of them.

but im not a little kid! im a big boy- a man! i am a grown man!

instead of throwing a pity party though, he patted namjoons head and tried to lift him as he'd seen jungkook do to taehyung when he fell alseep on the couch or something. raher than the calming, comforting, and grownup method, yoongi ended up with halfway dragging the sniffling namjoon down the stairs in the piggyback ride from hell.

hes too tall! :(  jimin would find a way to make this work somehow. . .

after the tiring ride to the lobby, the two sat on the slightly rock-like couch.

"do you feel better?"

"ankles huwrt from steps . . . "

why do i wanna cry so bad right now? i bet jimin would pull out some bandaids or something. why cant i be as good at this as he is? s'not fair.

this wasn't the time gor yoongi to be pouty, now he had to do his better to protect the naive and vulnerable hyung next to him.


but he couldn't. the feeling inside of him like their was a vacuum in him heart sucking every last bit of caregiver and bigger part of him into its void.

so instead of interrogating namjoon, yoongi spent the entire ride awkwardly looking at the scenery pass by, scared to speak with the voice he knew was getting higher and higher.

by the time that their uber had pulled up to taehyung and jungkooks proper town house, their combined nervousness was reflecting off of the windows and into the air.

i guess ive got to try being big for justa bit more? he gets really shy meeting new people when hes small, gotta make sure nothing bad happens.

so they walked hand in hand to ring the bell. right before yoongi could get any form of relieve though, namjoon pulled on his sleeve at one hundred and twenty (120) miles per hour.


why does he get to be small and cute and scared?

"i know joonie b-but taehyungies super nice and so is jungkookie so its fine!!"

before namjoon could mutter a protest, yoongi pressed the bell.


lmao sorry for the unexpected hiatus, ive been a mess 😅

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