12 // yoongi 🌻

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after changing into a long sleeve black turtleneck, with black jeans to match, eating his happy meal (jiji look at my toy!), and finishing a cuddly nap with seokjin (in case another monster came around and tried to hurt him), yoongi was now swinging his little legs sitting on the couch, waiting for the older to get ready. gosh he was so slow!

"jiji, pwease huwwy up!"

"five minutes yoon, can you count it for me?"

yoongi beamed as he was given the coolest task ever. counting was so fun!

"otay! one, two, free (cant pronounce the 'th' sound), four, five"

the small boy continued his very important task of counting. he had to put all his focus and braincells towards counting the best he could for his jiji!

whilst yoongi was on his mission, jin stressed over his outfit, what would tell namjoon that he didnt need him, nor miss him. what would tell namjoon he hadnt shed a single tear for him, or wished for him to be with him, to be his. what would tell namjoon the lies jin was oh so quick to say.

im not lying, its the truth.

he only had two pairs of clothes and wished that he had known he was going to even see namjoon that day, he would have brought better choices. you can never let an ex see you looking less than perfect. jin smirked, despite the sick feeling in his stomach,

atleast that wont be a problem for me hehe.

the older continued to build his outfit.

maybe if I match this baggy hoodie with my denim wash, this was his favourite hoodie when we dated- that'll piss him off a ton ... perfect :)

"ten ... founsand ... million!! jiji!"

jin silently chuckled, remembering that the small boy couldnt count past twenty, and couldnt do the math to make it still be five minutes. silly baby boy, so cute

I need to text that jimin boy, these two would be adorable together I swear to God.

" coming yoonglez! do you have your slippers on?"

"yep! let's go! pwease!"

jin picking up the energetic yoongi and then his little bag (stuffed with toys, snacks, and his very favourite stuffie atm Waddlez), they finally made the long, torturous trek across the hall to namjoons.

jins heart was beating all the way inside his throat, and the feeling of bubbling vile sick rose with every pulse around the body.

this was a bad decision.

he was about to just turn back and make it a movie night with small yoongi (he would always agree to cuddling and cartoons, no matter what) when the little gremlin knocked on the door himself.


a flustered and cautious namjoon opened the door, a feeling of surprise flooding his face.

"seokjin-hyung, yoongi y-you came!"

he was so cute when he gets excited.

jin sassily entered the youngers apartment, and went straight to the living room where rose was taking a nap on the couch (obviously exhausted by the eventful day and long shift), while jennie was quietly playing dr. panda games on her caregivers phone.

the silence was short lived as jennie and yoongi made eye-contact.

"hi jennie! wanna see waddlez? he a penguin!"

sugar and honey - yoonmin littlespace 🍯 (incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now