24 // jimin 🍯

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am i dreaming? was yesterday really real?

jimin woke up that morning, in yoongi's bed, alone. the stove was on in the kitchen and he could smell eggs being fried. 

is this real life, or am i  simply creating an illusion?

he sat up, and looked around as his memories from the prior night and grin slowly growing on his tired face as small footsteps pattered down the hall. yoongi entered and went pink as they locked eyes.

"i didn't know you woke up, was it too loud in the kitchen?"

"i love you."

as the boy became more and more flustered, jimin wondered if yesterday had actually just been a dream. 


"ᶦ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒᵒ ʲᶦᵐᶦⁿ. come on! breakfast is ready!"

it was real. thank god it was real.

"okay! lemme get dressed."

jimin was never so excited to leave the shower that morning, his clothing simply sliding on and he floated from room to room. he sat on his bed for less than a moment as smiled a toothy grin as happy vibes erupted from himself.

the man got up and walked with the person he loved to the kitchen. yoongi was wearing a white apron with a poorly drawn penguin in the middle. underneath, a black sweater with its sleeves rolled up along with black slacks. the table was set with sunny-side-up eggs and a breakfast sandwich made of a long bread, cut into four pieces (two being wrapped up). the two sat down, as jimin quickly checked the time on his watch; which read six (6) am. 

"wow, did you make all of this?" the nearly-awake man said in awe.

"y-yeah, but jin helped me! i just still feel kind of bad . . .  and! you rushed out of the house really fast last time so i wanted to be able to talk with you this morning!"

jimin softly smiled.

"aww don't feel bad, we both said mean things right?"

the two sat down across from each other and began to eat.

"so, let's talk yoon, what's up?"

". . . so are we like dating? like i know i called you that very special 'd' word last night but i really want to know, what are we?"

"well, i know i want to be your boyfriend and caregiver, so of course if you want to be dating i'd love it!"

yoongi visibly calmed down. 

"of course! i really like you!"

the two sat, happily conversing with one another but jimin had a hamster wheel spinning inside his mind.

do we even really know each other? well, i know his biggest secret, we live together, and we said 'i love you'. we both have a connection but we barely know anything about each other. you know what? I'm gonna say it! since we're dating i should be able to say what i think to him right? it shouldn't be difficult he's always so nice to me. i think i know him? we have gone out before but does that count?-

yoongi had noticed his partner had gotten quite unresponsive as if on autoplay.

"jimin, are you okay? what's wrong?"

"we don't know each other!"

yoongi tilted his head as jimin shrunk into himself, he was correct after all.

"then let's get to know each other! we can go out after your second day of on job teacher-ing thingie today. was that it?"

the latter smiled meekly.

"tsk don't think so much with me, I'm simple. so, its a date?"

"yes! uhm, text me the details?"

the younger was beginning to collect himself as time flew by. 

why is it that time decides to go faster when you do something you love? why can't we just indulge in those moments forever?

right before the kindergarten assistant grabbed his keys, yoongi came behind him his apron swiping briskly at his boyfriends' ankles.

"wait i made you a lunchbox! i even put a note like jin used to do!"

jimins entire face lit up with pure joy. then his eyes narrowed at the boy.

"are you sure you can stay home alone? you won't get lonely? i could get namjoon to play with you. don't you have that jung-guy's number?"

"don't be silly, i have to look for a job and I'm so happy now being big i don't even know if i want to be small! now hyungie says get your butt to work! go help some kids eat glue!"

right before the door closed jimin stole a peck on yoongi's soft cheek, not failing to miss the pink tint he transformed into soon after.

even if this was a dream, i'd wake up smiling. if this isn't real, i don't want to know what is.


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but seriously i hope you guys like this. its way shorter than what i usually write but the next chapter is gonna be hopefully really good 🥺👌

authour-nim says peace out !!

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