31 // jimin 🍯

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"hello welcome to sunnys' k9 cafe, a cheery cafe with the cutest dogs !! how may i help you?"

the inside of the cafe had a sleek brown colour scheme with light blue accents. the tables were various shapes of dog foods and toys, while the chairs or booths were shaped to be dog food and water bowls. 

to the back left, there was a gift shop with eco bags and plush keychains among other things with cartoon dogs drawn on them, and on the other side puppies could be heard playing with each other in the back. 

jimin smiled at the greeter, bowing slightly towards them as he requested a table for two near the dogs while yoongi hopped from foot to foot with rapid anticipation. he hadn't really interacted with many dogs since mickey had passed and he really missed it (even though it made him kinda sad to think of it too hard).

"ah yes, right this way sirs ! umm, may we have your names? for like company policies and politeness and stuff . . . "

that was a weird sense of déjà vu . . . oh my god wait i didn't answer her !! jiminanswerthepoorgirldon'tjuststandthere-

"ah yes sorry, i'm jimin and this is yoongi."

she lead them to their table, the mentally older noticing her coworker who was teasing her sliently. she was blushing, shaking her head. when they sat, she rested a hand on yoongis shoulder while reading the menu. 

oh, maybe some kind of . . . dare?

the mentally younger was painfully oblivious, just thinking of what to order from the choices and wanting to see the dogs. jimin on the other hand felt . . . off in a sense.

"and finally on the drink menu the doggy daycare. its an iced coffee with froth, and choice pup drawn into it. speaking of, a list of our babies for each of you, along with sanitizer since some of our puppies could get ill very easy. take your time, i'll be back in about five (5) minutes !! bye yoongi-oppa, and jimin-oppa !!"

she gave yoonies' shoulder a final squeeze before winking at him and walking away, reaching the back, and giving the supposed friend a light hit on the back, red as ever.

"yoonie do you know anyone here?"

"hmmm, yea !! the lady who rwead the food makes coffee !!"

ah, so she works at the coffee house you like and here? makes sense for a high schooler, two jobs. why is this so famillar . . .

"minnie look !! all the doggies so many !!"

jimn unclenched his teeth, and grinned at his boyfriend. his fists were balled under the table and his back was tense. why was he getting frusterated with the waitress, she was just doing her job?

i need to calm myself, she's just a harmless dumb kid doing dumb kid things. we all did.

"minnie? youw're not lis'nin' !!"

yoonie' crossed his arms over his chest pouting lightly towards his minnie, the taller soon noticing and holding back a chuckle causing him to pout deeper.

"sorry cutie pie you're adorable when you puff your cheeks like that, and i was still listening to you!! the doggies are cute, which do you want to play with? i'll choose your food and you can choose the dog is that okay?"

the shorter beamed, swinging his legs fervently and nodding, causing his caregiver to giggle at the act. 

sooner than it should have been, the peppy girl returned, a notepad in hand along with a shiba inu pen with bright pink coloured ink.

"yoongi-oppa what would you like to eat-"

"he'll have the barkaroni and cheese, i'll have the dog park chicken. and macaroons to go afterwords."

sugar and honey - yoonmin littlespace 🍯 (incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now