35.5 // 🎄christmas oneshots🎄

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this is gonna be like what i did back in february for valentines day but hopefully much better than that. i'll be rolling these out for this and next week (that one being a separate one for new years)

these are like their ideal christmas', like if you were to ask these are the things that would come to mind. some feel more real in a "sad?" way more so than others because they might have things on their mind they can't get out. much to think about lmao



taehyung: he would fake sleeping next to jungkook and proceed to maneuver himself out of bed bent on waiting for santa claus so he could confirm the rc helicopter he wrote on his list would in his possession. he made sure to have control over the situation, holding the cookies that his kookie made in his grasp. taehyung would sit for an approximate hour and a half (1 hour and 30 mins) before not being able to force his eyes to be open another second. as quiet as he could jungkook would tiptoe over to the plate and slowly lift the cookies up, acting as if he were playing a game of 'what time is it mr wolf?' again. he would be successful, quickly dusting off his hands before putting the most bewildered voice that he could manage. "tae, look! santa came!" the mentally younger would snap up at the words, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep and newfound frustration of miss santa again. kook would be panicked as he saw his eyes begin to water. quickly he'd think of an excuse. it was too early for this. "you can't see santa clause remember, or you won't get your gift. like how you don't see the tooth fairy. cmon, let's go back to sleep and when you wake up we can- (yawn) we can open presents, okay?" reluctantly, the mentally regressed would have stood as his caregiver wiped his eyes and they headed back to bed, taehyung still looking for any residue or holiday magic to signify that santa had indeed shown up. nothing. however that morning he'd wake up to the smell of fresh waffles with jingle bell rock blasting, easily pissing him off before realizing why exactly it was playing. he quickly slip from any big headspace, running out to the hall. kook would be sat at the table, grinning widely at his boyfriends' messy bed head. taehyung would immediately slide into his chair, rapidly finishing breakfast as jungkook fused over him, scared he would choke on something. soon enough, the two would find themselves next to the tree ruthlessly opening gifts and thanking each other. and what was that, the last present? taes' coveted rc helicopter, ready to fly. santa really did come. they would fly it around all day, until it almost broke a plate. a small price to pay for a priceless day.

jungkook: his perfect christmas would only have three things: staying home with taehyung, watching holiday movies and cuddling. he'd sleep in with his lover for a bit before waking him up and letting small tae help a bit with breakfast (just basic things like pouring flour, mixing things up)as he attempted to follow a recipe to a tee. after the two eat deformed christmas tree and ornament-shaped waffles, of which tae would obviously lie and say tasted amazing (whereas it really tasted like burnt baking powder and dirt). he'd be wiggling around in his chair, waiting for jungkook to give him the okay before sprinting the living room. jungkook would be happy watching the mentally younger open up gift after gift. he'd even tear up a bit when big taehyung would gift him a really fancy wristwatch the aforementioned laughing a bit at the emotionality of his boyfriend before opening his arms for a hug. the two would spend the entire day in the living room, ordering pizza and making hot chocolate, and enjoying each other's company. of course, they turn on the hallmark channel after a while to make fun of the terrible holiday movies because they all had the same plot points. "and now, another movie where big town business lady who for some reason hates christmas meets a small-town boy who loves christmas and they kiss." they'd both giggle together, jungkook getting tired as the day came to a close. they snuggle closer, taehyung would give kook a little peck on his forehead and his eyes would shut. another core memory unlocked.

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