14 // yoongi 🌻

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  holy fucking shit holy fucking shit holy fucking shit he is so so so adorable but quick side note here; where did all that confidence come from like the actual fuck? where was all that when we had to do speeches in school? why couldn't i shut my traphole holy shit!

our very own min yoongi had left the apartment to run some errands and now, apparently prepare a . . . 'date'?

how the actual hell does someone do this to themselves what-

he barely even knew the kid and yet thoughts of jimin plagued and flooded his mind constantly distracting him from tasks at hand, for example, he missed the express bus to the supermarket because jimins sweet, cheeky smile was being broadcasted 25/8 in his brain. Yoongi finally got to the shopping market when he realized he had been standing, holding a basket, dreaming about those cute, crescent eyes. he was addicted to all of it, he was addicted to him.

how did this even happen? is it even legal to be so cute and clumsy? i swear to god i should sue him for making my heart feel so weird, and why is my stomach tingling everytime i think of his name?

as the small boy wandered around, consumed in his very large thought bubble, he tried to decided what he should do, and where Jimin and him should go for their date-

wait wait wait, hold up, is this even a real date? i'm not sure if this even count, does it? does this mean he think were dating? does he want to? what does he think of my headspace . . . he probably thinks its freaky or something, most people do anyhow. but who would willingly go out with a "freak"? he said yes so quickly, but it could just be wanting to get to know the neighborhood, not wanting to make it anymore awkward, or anything else. does he want to go out with me? . . . do i want to go out with him? are we even friends?

yoongi stopped in the middle of the snack aisle, and stared in awe at all the food on the shelves.

wow. now this is beautiful 

He threw some shrimp chips inside the red basket, looked up, and spotted a pack of treats usually, he would pass it without the bat of an eyelash but the flavour, it reminded him of a certain someone . . .

Those cute, soft cheeks, cheekbones so high from smiling i bet. Those pearly whites, entirely clean, never a speck.

it was chocolate-covered mochi.

no. NO! why did this boy get to infest my thoughts when he probably isn't even thinking of me! why does he get to make my heart beat so quickly? why was he allowed to make my stomach drop?.. why does it feel so good?

yoongi impulsively and hastily threw the bag inside the basket. He didnt even like mochi that much . . .

im playing russian roulette with my heart, and what for?

the boy purchased his food, caught the 68 express bus heading towards his apartment complex, and toke a seat on top of a red cotton fiber. with nothing to do and nerves bubbling and burning him feom the inside out, yoongi decided to try and pick a date spot for him and jimin to go to.

bowling? no, the kids their always throw the balls overhand to try and make the loudest sounds, way too loud . . . cafe? too fanfiction chic, im no main character in a BL manga. park? no,-

wait a minute, why not? i mean, might aswell get rejected at somewhere nice, and i know the exact place for that.


yoongi quickly exited the bus train, groceries being around every which way. he entered his complex, waltzed straight to the elevators, and smaped the up button until it came.

all the way up, he silently tried to map out their future . . . date.

one, go to park with jimin-ah. two, set up pinic and blanket. three, tell him how i feel. four, get rejected. five, apologize and pack up while calling an uber. s̶i̶x̶,̶ ̶c̶r̶y̶.̶

great, nobpdys gonna be this dudes heartbreaker today, or anyday for that matter! i am iron inside, i feel nothing.

he opened the front door, to see jimin dead asleep, head on top of his keyboard, with a blanket over him and the laptop.

yoongi peeled of the blanket, to see the poor boy was shivering. he automatically placed a hand on his back, in turn accidentally waking the young man.

"jimin-ah? are you okay?"

jimin tiredly lifted his head, eyes quickly widening at the thought of yoongi seeing him so messly asleep.

"ah! of course hyung! its just . . . allergies! please dont worry about me yoongi-hyung!"

yoongi was worried for sure, but he said nothing.

"Oh! Jimin-ah, do you like mochi?"

the tired looking boy's eyes began the shimmer with total adoration.

"like? hyung, not to overstate but, mochi is one of my loves!!"

i see that this is a cute dongsaeng, so adorable i what to protect him!

yoongi chuckled, he had a habit of,chuckling and laughing around people of whom he admired. of whom he cared for.

"well then, come on. you can take the mochis to your room and get a nap, you obviously need it."

jimin silently toke the sweets, then walked to the room.

something is clearly wrong, even this morning compared to before, he seemed more tired, pale, and distracted. is he coming down with something?

he cared for people he deeply admired.

Yoongi had a puzzle in his mind, trying ever since that faithful elevator ride to fit in the pieces. and right here it finally got pit toghether. piece by piece, memory by memory.

holy shit.

am I in love with park jimin?

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