19 // jimin 🍯

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while yoongi was severely panicking over little joonie, our very own park jimin was preparing lunch for the little demon spawns, popularly nicknamed 'kindergarteners'.

one thing about teaching small children was that they were very interesting and almost strange. their young brains worked differently than adults, constantly creating funny yet weird circumstances.

for example, he had one of these spawn hanging onto him right now. this happened everyday. from dropoff to pickup, she would track him down and hug him tightly, usually on the brink of tears from missing her mother. and everyday her friend would energetically follow the tired jimin and crying friend around, innocently asking questions, until her friend got off of poor jimin and they went to talk about the questions, stare out the windows together, or to paint. then theyd go back to jimin to tell them what they had found.

"why do blue an 'ellow make gween?" and "are clouds pillows for birbs?" were used everyday, yet gave a new answer everyday also. those two were a very quiet pair, but the best of friends. and best friends got into mischief. jimin snorted to himself as he recalled the pair trying to get the finger painting supplies from the top shelf of the cupboards.

they both sort of remind me of yoongi in a sense, timid yet so bold and loud at times. yoongi really is something, isnt he? so awkward yet so confident. so calm yet so voice-ful. wow.

after the crying childs bouncy friend had ran over, babbling something about a character named snufkin the sloth-ike girl had removed herself, so jimin was back to getting their meals ready. he stood on a ratty white plastic stool, fetching the small dollarama quality bowls he spent hours picking out for the children ( he was trying to remember all of their favourite colours of course, jimin hadnt wanted to cause a fuss).

just as he finished placing these bowls out, his smartphone started ringing and buzzing around in his pocket.

I never get calls?

jimin nervously and hastily ignored the unknown number, pouring goldfish and cheerios into the tiny labeled containers. he mumbled small statements to himself, such as: "megan doesnt like cheerios and kyle doesnt like goldfish. remember to just switch the portions, or they'll end up dumped on the ground." any normal person would think he was insane, but in a kindergarten class, anything was fair.

anyhow, he obviously hadn't the time to waste answering random calls.

no matter how it buzzed and chimed.

hopefully it's just a spam number, just another scammer wanting my credit card or to clean my windows or whatnot. n-nothing different.

he then went on to put some of his "famous" BLT sandwiches down on their trays. they were famous because he cut them correctly according to the little kids, into perfectly symmetrical triangles. once he even went through the lengths of bringing in a gigantic protractor and ruler set, which were an ugly vibrant green, to humor the children for a quick second. this job is made for him.

of course, the lunches were made accustomed to the small tyrants demands. some hated lettuce, some the bacon, some the bread. jimin didnt like to force the kids to eat things they didnt like, so they would get the choice to pack a lunch, or get one from him. all the children in the lunch system had a common ground of hatred. in fact, he would call the sandwiches his famous BL sandwiches if it didnt sound so . . . weird.

"nO TO - MA - TOES" they chanted one day before lunch, as if they were a council on strike, or at least a small cult. a small yet adorable cult.

jimin would be laughing at that fun memory for weeks. it was things like that reminded him why he wanted to be a teacher for tiny humans in the first place. small children are simple.

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