3 // jimin 🍯

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"min yoongi's been living in this place for a very long time,  maybe nine years?  he's 23, and very quiet and reserved,  but still polite.  about once a month,  he gets visited from what's probably a family member,  or fuck buddy,  who always has something to give him.  he usually stays over a night,  then leaves the next day. "

namjoon and jimin have been talking about yoongi for a good half hour,  jimin trying to absorb all of the information possible.

"ahh,  namjoon-hyung please don't say that word. and why are you so uncertain with everything?  aren't you guys neighbors also? "

namjoon hesitated. "yoongi is a special case. we don't talk to him, and in turn he doesn't talk to us.  i'm not very interested in his life. nobody hear really cares about his life,  he's more  of the background character that everybody forgets about by the end of the movie. and in all honesty, he's a total freaky person. when ever his 'buddy' visit,  he brings the cutest stuff,  like childrens items.  but none of us have seen a child near him. he's probably just a kinky pedophilic bastard. "

jimin had heard enough.  he didn't want to form opinions of others when he hadn't even had a proper conversation with him. nobody should be called names like freak,  maybe he just liked dressing his pet in cute clothing? maybe he had a neice or nephew that visited?

"thanks joonie,  night!"

"night bro"

jimin existed the unit,  and went back to his own.  however he hovered around the lock.  he felt ssomething deep inside himself: sympathy. it must have been awfully difficult for yoongi to have no friends in the apartment. He umlocked his door and almosOK  stepped in, when he had heard light footsteps padding down the hall.

he turned to face the end of the hall,  where he was greeted with a sniffling,  red-eyed yoongi,  gripping a medium-sized stuffed penguin inbetween his arms.  he was shaking,  and jimin noticed that the boy must've been in such a rush to try help his pet,  he had left a sweater,  and was sightly shivering.  it was only october but the nights felt like a february morning. 

"y-you're shaking yoongi! come in my apartment, i'll go make you some hot cocoa to like warm up your insides? "

the olders eyes widened. he still needed to put Waddlez (the penguins decided name) to sleep. not to mention that drinking hot cocoa with the cute, new boy next door in littlespace, would definitely end in a complete disaster. one hundred percent. the small boy had almost got lost walking back here in little space, and it's just a straight line across. so little yoongi put on his biggest,  most grownup voice, and gathered all his courage.

"i'm s-so sorry jimin but, its past my bedtime- sorry i meant past the time i should sleep if i wanna work two-morrow properly s-so-"

"oh!  goodnight then! sweet dreaming yoongi! Its my bedtime soon too haha"

jimin was very confused. why was he talking with a lisp? by did he have a stuffed penguin? what's with his voice?

" haha g-goodnighty jimin!"

yoongi turned when jimin lightly grabbed his right shoulder.

"sorry, but who's that stuffed animal for? "

yoongi may have stopped breathing for a minute there. umm, who normally likes stuffies?

"it's- it's for me- n-not me haha my little cousin, she loves penguins! they her favourite animal ever and she- she always shows me dis- this one in the toy cata-catalogs."

"oh my god!  that's so adorable!"

jimin flashed his signature eye smile,  and yoongi couldn't help but show a small grin despite the sad night,  it was the jimin effect after all. one kind look, and your insides were jelly.

jimin was smiling outside, but was scared on the inside. was this small boy really a creep like namjoon said? did he even have a cousin? and the voice!

i'll google it first thing tomorrow.

after their small encounter, they both went into their respective apartments. as jimin locked the door behind himself, he toke off his shoes and hoodie, and decided to have a small conversation with himself.

yoongi may be a creep but why is so fricking cute! I didn't even know that it was possible to be so adorable, but even his voice sounds small and cute! I hope he's not a pedo.

he walked over to his new bedroom, and stared at his makeshift mattress in disgust.  but, its was all he had for now. as he slipped into "bed", he wondered what yoongi was doing.  jimin was very intrigued,  and very desperately needed more knowledge on yoongi other than "freak" and "forgettable". those adjectives didn't seem to fit the yoongi in the hall. than yoongi seemed interested and very passionate to talk about the penguins backstory, he was also very cute and considerate to go to the vet at midnight, in only a big kumamon tee shirt, and navy-blue basketball shorts. not to mention caring. he was just perfect. please he is not pedo material.

jimin once again opened sleep's gates, and he thought "yoongi and I will make great friends. "

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