31.5 // 🍨let's go to the park🍨

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it was eight (8) in the morning when yoongi had woken his caregiver up to remind him of the meeting that was planned with their neighbour and friends that day. jimin rubbed the sleep from his eyes sitting up and kissing his baby on the forehead before speaking.

"good morning sunshine, let's get breakfast hmm?

the mentally younger nodded as jimin finally stood and stretched his arms and joints tentatively. the pair walked to the kitchen the taller eyes widening at the sight of glasses, spoons and bowls along with cereal, juice and, milk on their table. it was way less than normal but also extremely impressive for yoongi in his clumsy headspace.

"yoonie this is amazing, next time wake me though okay?"

"okay, minnie !! let's eat!!"

jimin threw some special k into his bowl before grabbing the orange carton and pouring groggily.

"daddy stop !! it's juice !!"

the man turned the box towards him before sighing in defeat with his little one giggling in front of him, eating his cereal. he throws the mess of his breakfast into the sink taking to soggy cereal remains to the garbage can.

opting for instead granola he washes the bowl and tries again this time instead of filling it with orange juice he puts in blueberries, strawberries, vanilla yogurt, and mango slices with the gran.

they talked a bit, mostly just yoonie going on about how he's missed seeing all his friends as of late because they had all been busy with adult life and all its grips such as yoongi's promotion and the recent project the two youngest of the friend group were working on. namjoons' very important desk job and rose and jennies' distance from the rest of them was insurmountable. the only person he wanted to come who couldn't be of course seokjin as he had already visited than a month and train fees were quite a lot on top of bills and work of course.

yoonie went to shower while jimin washed the rest of the bowls smiling at the humming the mentally younger was doing.

he was just about to sit down when the intercom buzzed around the apartment.

are they already here?!

and indeed they were. rose held jennies' as she talked through to the other carer.

"hey jimin, sorry were early but we had to go quick because of the rush of people that usually come around the morning we could have been an hour late hah."

"no problem guys, c'mon up."

jeez, did i wake up that late?

he heard yoongi get out the shower, and as the mentally younger got dressed he dialed namjoons' cell.

"hey siri, call best friend."

calling 'best friend'


"hey bud, are you ready to go? the girls came a bit early if that's okay?"

"mmhm, rweady !!"

jimin grinned through the phone as he saw yoongi exit their room wearing black kitten themed overalls with an oversized white tee shirt. he wore low cut ankle socks, with pink sneakers. he got jimin to draw a few kittens on the sides as well.

 he got jimin to draw a few kittens on the sides as well

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