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One month later
The Bellas and I are standing backstage at the Kennedy Center for our performance. The Bellas made me captain of the group and we've been world champions for three years in a row now. Miley is still in the group and I am planning to let her perform today. The danger she was in, is minimum so we can enjoy our time here at Barden. Chloe and I are really close, sometimes even closer than best friends. We flirt with each other, but I know she doesn't mean it. Her relationship with Tom is over thank God for that! They lasted for a year and now they're both single for three years. I want to make a move to Chloe but I can't lose my focus on the job right now. I still haven't found that mole and I still don't know anything about Eloise. I know Mike wants revenge but I can't use Chloe for that. I really like her and if she knew the truth about me, she will hate me forever.
,,What are you thinking about?" I startle by her voice. Normally I would throw someone who scares me to the floor over my shoulder, but I recognize her voice by now.
,,Just about Mike and my mission, Miley." I say and she startles.
,,What did you call me?" My eyes become big.
,,Oh, my God! What happened at the finals really messed with my head."
,,Can you tell me what happened? I never have seen you like this and I know you for almost four years." I look around to look for Chloe, but she's talking to Aubrey about something. I take Miley somewhere where we can talk privately.
,,Do you remember that I told you I wanted to tell her everything?" She nods her head. ,,Well, I was planning to tell her when I found her with Tom."
,,That asshole is always trying to flirt with me or with other girls. He didn't love Chloe. I know you'll be better for her."
,,You really think so?" I feel a blush coming on my cheeks.
,,Yes. We all know you like Chloe more as a friend."
,,Wait, we?"
,,Yeah. The Bellas, Connor, Jesse and even Sara would've known."
,,Do you think Chloe knows too?" I ask her startled.
,,No, she's a little clueless. That's why you have to tell her."
,,No, you know I can't tell her. I can't put a target on her back. Mike already knows about her. I can't handle Patrick too. If Patrick finds out about her, he will kidnap her or worse!"
,,I'm pretty sure she will forgive you. You two are like sisters."
,,What I feel for Chloe is way stronger than what I felt for Sara. I loved Sara and I always will but the love I feel for Chloe... This is the first time in my entire life that I feel this way for anyone."
,,Wow Beca, that was really sweet."
,,Thank you."
,,Beca!" Chloe runs up to me and my heart jumps. ,,Come on, we need to perform." I nod and she looks at Miley. ,,Hannah, there's someone who wants to meet you." Both of us raise our eyebrows. Chloe points to a guy. ,,That's a producer and he has an offer for you."
,,He does?"
,,Yes. I told him about your amazing voice and he saw you during our last practice."
,,You have done a good word for me?"
,,I did." And she smiles.
,,But why?" Now Chloe looks at me.
,,Because I care about you and you're really important to me." I hear Miley giggle. Even tho I'm flattered and even more in love right now, I know Chloe doesn't mean it in a loving way. She doesn't love you, you're a killer! ,,And you mean a lot to Beca." She gives me a kiss on my cheek while looking in my eyes with a lot of love.
,,Beca! Chloe!" Aubrey yells now and gestures for us to come. We run up to her, but not before Miley gives me a wink. I roll my eyes and take place on stage next to Chloe. We start the performance we planned.

It all goes really well until Amy's pants got ripped and everyone can see that she isn't wearing underwear. I was doubting beforehand about Amy's part in this and it looks like I'm right. She's way too heavy for that rope she's hanging in. I knew this would happen. Chloe looks like the whole world is falling apart but she could've known it too. We are quickly running off stage and back to the backstage area. Chloe storms over to Amy, totally freaking out.
,,What the hell, Amy?!" This reaction isn't normal by Chloe. She is understanding and nothing like Aubrey, but right now she's one and the same. It scares me a little.
,,Nothing to worry about. Everyone loved it. It was a good performance."
,,Oh really?!" Amy nods. ,,So you think showing your vagina to everyone is a good thing?! You just ruined our chance to compete further!"
,,Don't be so dramatic. You failed Russian Lit three times. I still don't know if you didn't understand it or if you failed on purpose because you wanted to stay close to Beca." I watch Chloe closely and notice that her breathing quickens. She's really freaking out. This can't be good! And I'm right because the breathing becomes faster and faster. Oh, my God! She's having a panic attack! Quick I need to help her. Think it's Sara having this attack. I step forward and put my hands on her shoulders.
,,Chloe?" I say softer than I ever have been. ,,Chlo, I need you to breathe for me, sweetie." I look at Chloe and see that her cheeks are wet. I start to realize that she's starting to cry, hyperventilation. ,,Chlo, focus on my voice, okay? Do you understand me?" I let us sit down. Chloe's wide eyes meet mine. ,,Nod if you can understand me." Chloe nods. ,,Okay. Chlo, hold your breath for three seconds for me and then let it out slowly." I instruct her. I can see she's sweating now. That leads to dizziness most of the time. Still, Chloe tried to hold her breath. It comes out as a shudder. I smile softly. ,,Good. Now breathe with me, okay?" I look over to Aubrey for a second. ,,Aubrey, sit behind her. She looks like she's gonna pass out." Aubrey pulls Chloe gently back but Chloe's eyes never leave mine. I begin to demonstrate deep, slow breaths - in through my nose, hold it for three seconds and out through my mouth. Chloe tries to follow along but she struggles a little, blindly reaching for someone to hold onto. I let her grab my hand and squeeze hers gently. ,,You're doing well, Chlo. Keep breathing with me." I encourage.

After a few silent moments, Chloe is breathing normally again. ,,You okay?" I ask concerned. Chloe gives a small nod, swallowing thickly. Wait, is she embarrassed? ,,Good. That was a bad one. Do you have panic attacks often?"
,,I - No. I never had one before." Chloe croaks, a shaky hand comes up to wipe at the tear tracks on her face.
,,You're going to feel worn out for a bit and you'll probably do that for a while too... The chest tremors."
,,How did you know what to do, Beca?" Now I notice the other Bellas standing around us too.
,,My sister used to get really bad panic attacks." I explain. Chloe squeezes my hand, that she's still holding.
,,Thanks." She says quietly.
,,No problem. That's what friends are for." We smile at each other. ,,Do you think you can walk?" Chloe nods and she stumbles a little while getting up. I keep her steady as we walk to the car.
,,You've been stressed lately." It isn't a question from Aubrey and we both know Chloe is stressed about everything that happens with the Bellas. Chloe, who sits in the back with me, lays her head on my shoulder. My heart beats at a dangerous speed right now. She does this a lot but every time my heart beats faster. I really love her.
,,Yes." She admits quietly. I wrap my arm around her waist as a tremor runs through her body.
,,You're going to be okay, Chlo." I reassure her and make small circles on her back with my hand. Please let us stay like this forever! I love her so much. I want to have her in my life as much as possible, but I can't bring her into danger! Ugh, what do I hate my job sometimes!

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