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Now I'm standing in front of the woman I love, I don't know how to start. Chloe sits down by the fireplace and I follow her example.

,,Nice house." I tell her and she smiles at me.

,,Thank you." I look at her and swallow, fighting the tears.

,,Please don't be mad." She sighs and I think she's about to give me a speech, but I'm wrong.

,,I'm not mad at you."

,,You're not?"

,,No, I caught the message. I don't want things to get weird between us." Does she think I only want to be friends? She clearly got the wrong message!

,,I'm sorry." I tell her and she sighs again.

,,That's even worse."

,,No no. Listen to me. I don't know what to do in these situations, okay?"

,,What do you mean?"

,,I've never had a serious relationship."

,,Why not?"

,,That was forbidden."

,,Forbidden? Are you serious?" I just nod. Mike never allowed anyone at the company to date or he killed you. That's why Jane and I kept our relationship a secret.

,,Yeah and I don't know what to do or what to say, but I will try now." I take a deep breath. Okay, here goes nothing. I look Chloe in the eyes. ,,I like you. A lot." I laugh softly and look at my hands. I'm so scared she will laugh at me, but I have to do this! ,,I think I'm going crazy because you're stuck in my head all the time and it scares me."

,,Why does it scare you?"

,,Because I never thought that after Sara's dead I would miss someone again or miss their warmth, their smile. I don't want to lose anyone again."

,,Why do you think you'll lose me?"

,,Because everyone I cared about, aside from Connor, is dead. I didn't want to love anyone ever again, but I can't help feel this way with you." She looks at me with love in her eyes. I have to ask her. Like now! ,,So what do you say? If you want to we can start dating and those things. We can go slowly." She remains quiet. What have I done?! I made the wrong choice to tell her. I shouldn't have said anything. My whole body starts to panic. I'm so stupid. How could I think she would love me? Me, a cold-hearted killer. I'm supposed to stay alone forever. Nobody can truly love me! Suddenly she grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. I look at her.

,,I would love to." She says and smiles.

,,Are you sure?"

,,Becs, I love you. I never thought I could feel like this anymore after what happened with Chicago but I do. You're the one for me, Beca." I can't help to blush and smile at that comment. ,,So..." She looks at me lovingly. ,,Now that we're girlfriends, we can sing in front of the bonfire!"

,,As you wish. Which song do you want to sing?"

,,I don't know." She keeps quiet for a while before starting to sing. Wait, is this my audition song? She remembers?! ,,I've got my ticket for the long way round." She smiles at me and I start singing with her.

,,Two bottles of whiskey for the way. And I sure would like some sweet company and I'm leaving tomorrow what do you say?" She holds my hand the whole time. ,,When I'm gone, when I'm gone, when I'm gone - you're gonna miss me when I'm gone. You're gonna miss me by my hair, you're gonna miss me everywhere. Oh, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone." We just stare at each other with big smiles on our faces and I can't remember a time that I was this happy to love someone.

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