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Roy🚬 : We haven't been able to find him yet 😥

Beca🙈: Keep looking! I want him dead, do you understand me?! 😡

Roy🚬 : Loud and clear. I'll message you when we found him.

Beca🙈: Don't disappoint me! It's been three days already, he can't be far!

I sigh and get inside my house. I decided to stay at Roy's for the last few days so that I won't hurt one of the Bellas. I'm furious that Connor escaped and if I find him, he won't survive. I put my coat on the coat rack and walk into the living room to find Chloe, Amy, Emily, and Miley. They look at me concerned.

,,What?!" I ask them harder then I'm attending to.

,,Did you kill him three days ago?" It is the first thing Chloe asks me. I see the letter in her hand and tears in her eyes.

,,No. I didn't want to kill him."

,,Then why did you kidnap him?"

,,To get answers! He betrayed me and I want to know why."

,,Well do you?"

,,Do what?"

,,Do you know why he betrayed you?"

,,No, he got away. He won't get away with what he had done and if I find him, he won't survive." They seem to startle a little bit.

,,You're not a killer." They all say as a unit.

,,I am. I killed millions of people already. Killing Connor is necessary right now but you don't understand."

,,We do understand but there must be another way."

,,There was and I already tried that Miley." I say and grab something to drink. ,,But that didn't work and I can't let him live without punishing him for his actions."

,,Beca, revenge isn't the answer." And now I get mad.

,,Revenge is the only answer, Emily! He had a big part in Sara's death! He could've saved her that night but he didn't!" I throw the glass against the wall. ,,He was inside the building before me, he could've planned it with Mike as far as I know! He has to pay and nobody's going to stop me!" I can see the hurt in Chloe's eyes but right now I don't care. I'm sorry but you could've expected this when you started a relationship with me. You know how much Sara meant to me and deep down you know I have to do this. ,,When I get a call back from Roy, I'll leave and kill him!"

,,Don't do this, Becs." I want to yell at her, throw something to her head... but I can't. I'm in love with her and I can't lose her which I probably will.

,,I have to, Chlo. I can't let him get away with this. I trusted him and he betrayed me."

,,If you're going to kill him, at least let us come with you." Amy says but I just shake my head.

,,No. I don't want anyone of you to see this. We all have guns and Connor could kill me in the fight. I don't want anyone of you to get hurt." I look over at Chloe. ,,So please promise me that you'll stay here with the others."

,,I want to help you." She says and I see some tears run down her cheek. I walk over to her and to my own surprise, she isn't scared of me. Neither of them is scared.

,,You can help me by promising to stay here. I can't live with myself if you die because of my fight."

,,But you could die!" Now she starts yelling. She is scared but not of me, she's scared to lose me.

,,I know but I won't. I know what I'm doing, trust me." She nods and pulls me into her arms.

,,Please come back to me." She whispers into my ear.

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