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,,We're screwed!" I yell putting down my drink on my desk. Brody, Emily, Amy, Roy, Miley, Aubrey, and Chloe are in my office to discuss what to do about Mike and Patrick. ,,There was no evidence to indicate that Mike gave orders to Jane to kill me."
,,What do you want us to do?" Brody looks at me.
,,I don't know!"
,,Well you have to do something if you want your revenge. Mike killed your sister, don't you want to make him pay for that?" I look Roy deadly in the eye.
,,Of course, I want that but I have another job to do. I need to keep Miley safe and every Bella!"
,,It's time for you to do your part." Says Aubrey.
,,My part? I thought to send Jane to the hospital with several injuries was my part."
,,Well, yeah, something like that."
,,What do you think was my part smartass?" I don't hate Aubrey, she just always seems like she's the boss of me.
,,What you did to Jane was more for you to take revenge after she tried to kill you."
,,So what do I have to do?" Every one of them is thinking but doesn't come up with a plan until Chloe speaks up.
,,You have to see Mike." My mouth literally opens.
,,That is your part right now. See it as part two."
,,You want me to go back with the guy who ordered my ex-girlfriend aka psychopath to kill me? The same guy who hurt you and your mother?" She simply nods. ,,No, I can't go back there." Chloe grabs my hands.
,,Babe, listen to me. Did you say something when you were with Jane about me or my mother? Something for him to suspect that you betrayed him?"
,,No. I never mentioned your mother, much less you. The only thing I said about you was that he should stay away from you." I sigh. ,,I guess you have a point." I look down.
,,Hey, it's gonna be okay. We're both gonna be okay." She takes a deep breath. ,,If you're uncomfortable about going, I can go instead of you. My mom will have a whole security group just in case something happens." I shake my head with a lot of force.
,,No! You're not going and risk of getting hurt. I have to keep you safe, I promised your mother to keep you safe and that's what I'm going to do. You won't go near him if I'm not with you!" Chloe nods but keeps holding my hand.
,,Becs, you don't have to worry about me. I'm strong enough."
,,Yeah, I know. You are the only person who can easily kick my ass."
,,We're going to be with you the whole time, okay?" Roy walks up to me and gives me a very small earpiece.
,,That's a small earpiece, wear it when you're facing Mike." He tells me.
,,What if they search me?"
,,They can't find this, it's too small to see."
,,Becs?" I look at the one person I begin to trust more and more by day. ,,Don't be nervous. I'm with you all this time." She leans in and gives me a small, passionate kiss on my lips. ,,Be careful. I love you."
,,I love you too." I stand up and shake the nerves away for a second. ,,Okay, let's do this!" I say and leave them in my office. I just hope Mike doesn't notice the earpiece or shoot me!

I sneak past the guards that suppose to keep me out of his office. It was too easy to get in, they are terrible at their jobs and I don't know why Mike keeps them. Normally he would shoot everyone who doesn't do their jobs. I wander into his office and look at the photograph on his desk.

I wonder who that is

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I wonder who that is. It can be his son. I should remember his face, in case it doesn't work out today. The door opens and Mike gets in.
,,What are you doing here?" He asks me and when he sees the picture I'm looking at, he walks over to the frame and takes it. ,,And why are you looking at that picture of me and my son?"
,,Aw so that is your son. I had no idea that you could love someone."
,,Don't let me ask you again. Mitchell, what are you doing here?"
,,We need to talk."
,,I must confess that I am surprised. You betray me and you have the courage to come here to talk."
,,I did not betray you."
,,Bullshit!" I just smirk at his angry face. ,,I have pictures that show you were with Eloise. You're supposed to give me a report of the situation."
,,And I did report. Connor got killed and the person responsible is in jail."
,,Do you know more about his death?"
,,No but I found out something else."
,,What did you found out?"
,,No, that's not how it works. I'm here to talk about Eloise and the task you gave me. I am supposed to give you a report but not every five minutes. I stopped calling you because you were the one who wouldn't let me do my job. Your hatred over Eloise did not let me do my job. So I decided to do things my way, to have an advance, so you would stop calling me like a desperate mom."
,,You could have told me that you met with her."
,,I was about to until you sent that psycho to kill me."
,,Didn't Connor helped you?"
,,Connor only gave me information about the most important people related to the Beale's. I did not share my information with him because this is my case. You know very well that I don't like having companions." Keep going. I didn't like companions but working with Emily, Amy, Chloe, Aubrey, Roy, Miley, and Brody isn't so bad. We are a team and I won't let anyone hurt one of them. ,,I have information about Eloise."
,,Tell me."
,,I have her bank account, her services. I also know that the neighborhood is not fully paid. Which means you can take her money and with that, Barden will be unprotected and you can approach Eloise." Mike gets up and walks back to the door. ,,Hey, don't walk away from me. We aren't done yet!" I yell and he turns to face me. ,,I can continue working on the case, if you'd like. But if not, I'll retire and wait for you to give me a new mission, it's your call." He doesn't hesitate to react.
,,No. You'll continue working on the case." I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.
,,But Eloise is not your target anymore. If you want me to believe you're on my side, I need you to do something for me."
,,What's that?" He walks up to me and looks me deep in my eyes.
,,Bring Chloe Beale here and kill her."
,,I -" A voice comes through my earpiece. Hopefully, Mike can't hear her. Beca don't. He just wants to press your buttons. Do not forget the plan. Emily's right but I can't ignore his comment.
,,I try not to kill people anymore, Mike. And by the way, that's not my job right now."
,,Sometimes we have to do things that we don't want. She has been one of the reasons why this work has taken you so much. Get rid of her." I can't take it anymore.
,,But she's your daughter!" I say and try to hold back the tears. Only the thought of me killing Chloe gives me goosebumps. No way I'm killing Chloe. I love her!
,,The only thing I know about that girl is that she is the reason why I lost Eloise. Eloise was the love of my life!" So that's why his son doesn't look like Chloe. He has another mother! ,,You have one day to get her out of Barden and bring her here!" He yells and leaves his office.
,,Asshole!" I whisper-yell and feel some tears escape my eyes. Don't be weak, go home and talk about this to the others! I listen to the voice in my head and go back to the others.

Later that evening when we're sitting in front of the fireplace, Chloe sits down next to me.
,,Are you okay?" I shrug my shoulders. ,,You know I heard everything, right?"
,,Yeah I know." I look down at my hands. ,,You have no idea how much I wanted to kill him right there."
,,Don't do anything crazy, okay? I want to keep you safe too." I laugh. ,,What?"
,,How can you be so calm after what he said? I have to kill you!"
,,Yes that's what he said but I know you won't hurt me."
,,I have killed more people Chlo, sometimes I don't even recognize myself anymore. What if I get really mad and hurt you in the process?"
,,You shouldn't think this way."
,,But it's possible. I have done it before. I will hate myself forever if I hurt you."
,,Hey, stop!" She grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes. ,,You won't hurt me, I know you won't. I'm not afraid and neither should you. We're going to be okay, both of us."
,,I love you, Chloe Emma Beale."
,,I love you too, Rebeca Lauren Mitchell." Normally I would hurt someone who would call me by my whole name but I make an exception for Chloe. I honestly don't know what the future brings but I really hope the universe let me keep Chloe forever because I'm pretty sure I can't cope without her in my life! I just need to get rid of Mike and Patrick and then I can live my happily ever after with the love of my life.

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